Simple health tips for busy moms
Mothers are the CEO of the home.
Organizing schedules, paying the bills,
doing food shopping, managing pickups
and drop-off s, and making sure
everyone is healthy is just part of the
job. Unfortunately, because they are so
busy taking care of others, many moms
oft en put off taking care of themselves
or scheduling their own health appointments.
Making your health a priority can help
you stay healthy and keep illnesses at bay.
Here are a few tips to help:
Sleep consistency
You harp on the kids about the importance
of a good night’s sleep, but when it
comes to your own sleep, it’s oft en the fi rst
thing that’s sacrifi ced. Sleep deprivation
is common among moms for a variety of
reasons. Make it a priority to get 7 or 8
hours of quality rest each night. Keeping
the bedroom quiet, cool, dark and free
from the distractions of devices such as
cell phones and tablets can help you relax
and sleep.
Annual physicals
Just like with your kids, proactively
seeing a doctor every year can help
you tackle health issues head on rather
than putting them off until they become
a bigger problem. During wellness visits,
your doctor will use health indicators
like weight, blood pressure and
heart rate to screen for common conditions
such as diabetes and heart disease.
Doctors can then recommend treatments
to help you stay healthy and feel
your best.
Fill prescriptions
Your doctor’s treatment plan may
include a prescription medication.
Doctors advise that it’s important to fi ll
and use the medication as prescribed.
If you are not insured, or if your health
insurance plan doesn’t cover the medication
you were prescribed, you can check a
free prescription savings program called
Inside Rx which can help save an average
of 40 percent off brand-name and 80
percent off retail on generic medications.
Eligibility requirements and a complete
list of the medications off ered through
the program can be found at InsideRx.
Boost nutrition
You meticulously pack your kids’ lunches,
but when it comes to your own, sometimes
you eat whatever you can grab.
Eating well helps fuel the body and mind,
so skip the junk and instead eat wholesome
meals three times a day with healthy
snacks in between. Stock the fridge and
pantry with healthy foods that are easy
to eat on the go and always have nutrient
packed snacks, such as dried fruit or
nuts. Meal planning can help everyone
enjoy healthy homemade foods throughout
the week.
Th ese simple tips will help you prioritize
health as you take care of your family,
so you can feel your best today and in
the future!
— Courtesy BPT