CDC: How to navigate vaccinations for your family
Today’s technology provides so much
information that learning the essentials
about an important topic like vaccination
can be overwhelming.
Vaccines play an important role in keeping
you and your family members healthy,
and when you make sure everyone receives
the recommended vaccines at the right
ages, you will be helping to protect them
before they are exposed to serious and
potentially life-threatening illnesses.
Th e Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) has launched a new
interactive guide (cdc.gov/vaccines/growing)
to help navigate the vaccines recommended
at each stage of life. Th is resource
teaches families about vaccine-preventable
diseases - like fl u, whooping cough and
HPV cancers - and highlights the recommended
timing for key immunizations.
Here’s a quick rundown of what you
need to know about vaccines at diff erent
Did you know that when you get vaccinated,
you pass along some of the protection
to your baby? If you are pregnant
or plan to become pregnant, vaccination
is an important step in keeping you
and your baby healthy. Pregnant women
should always get a yearly fl u shot. In the
third trimester of every pregnancy, you
should get the whooping cough vaccine
(Tdap). Talk to your doctor about other
vaccines you may need before, during and
aft er becoming pregnant.
Infant and toddler years
Many of the diseases that vaccines prevent
can be especially serious for young
children. Making sure your babies get all
the recommended vaccines on time is the
best way for you to protect them from 14
serious diseases before the age of 2 years
old. Check the interactive guide for the
full recommended immunization schedule
that is designed to protect your babies
early, before they are exposed to potentially
life-threatening diseases.
Preschool and elementary
school years
From ages 3 through 6, your children
need additional doses of chickenpox (varicella)
vaccine; measles, mumps, rubella
(MMR) vaccine; polio vaccine and Tdap
vaccine, as well as a fl u vaccine every year.
From ages 7 through 10, your children
should continue to get a fl u vaccine every
year, by the end of October if possible.
Keep in mind that schools may require
a certifi cate of immunization to enroll. If
your children have missed any vaccines,
work with your doctor or nurse to make
sure they get caught up.
Preteen and teen years
As protection from childhood vaccines
wears off , adolescents will need booster
shots to extend immunity. Th ey will
also need protection from other diseases
before their risk of exposure increases.
Preteens need four vaccines to provide
protection now and in the future:
Tdap vaccine to protect against tetanus,
diphtheria and whooping cough; human
papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to protect
against cancers caused by HPV; meningococcal
vaccine to protect against meningitis;
and a yearly fl u vaccine. If you have
adolescents or teens that plan to travel
outside the Unites States, check to see
if additional vaccines are recommended.
Also, make sure they are up-to-date
on all their vaccinations before they head
to college.
Into adulthood
While you are busy keeping your children’s
vaccines up-to-date, don’t forget
about yourself! All adults need a fl u vaccine
every year by the end of October, if
possible, as well as a tetanus and diphtheria
(Td) vaccine every 10 years. Healthy
adults 50 years and older should get a
shingles vaccine. Adults 65 years or older
need one dose of pneumococcal conjugate
vaccine (PCV13) followed by one dose
of pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine
(PPSV23). Adults younger than 65 years
who have certain health conditions like
heart disease, diabetes, cancer or HIV
may also need one or both of these vaccines.
Other vaccines may be recommended at
various stages of life based on health conditions,
job, lifestyle or travel habits. Th e
CDC’s new interactive tool provides families
with information on the importance
of on-time vaccination and a detailed look
at the vaccine schedule. Find it at cdc.
gov/vaccines/growing, along with a guide
you can print and bring to your next doctor’s
Courtesy BPT