A Fete Accompli!
Photos by Dawn Steinberg
Oh, what a night! NST Women’s
Club held their annual
International Gala on
Wednesday, September 6, at Towers
on The Green. Tango was the focus
of the evening and the tables were
festooned with tango-style hats
with red roses for color and drama
designed by Chickie Kaufman
and Gloria Beck. To complete the
scheme, steering committee members
wore ensembles of black and
white with red accents, including
roses around their wrists.
After introductory remarks by
Co-president Julie Weissman,
Co-president Bobby Gould praised
the steering committee, especially
Gloria Beck and Chickie Kaufman,
for their hard work. With membership
numbers swelling up to 275,
the success of both the club and
evening bears testimony to the commitment
of the steering committee
and strong support from general
An offshoot of the Club is NST
South, which has been organized
for vacationing Floridians.
President Gould will plan trips,
programs and other areas of interest
for our members down south for the
winter. A sign-up sheet for NSW
South will circulate at our meetings.
For any further information, call
Roberta Gould at 718 224-4388.
Program Chairperson Gloria
Beck introduced the real highlight
of the evening: the tango dancers!
Towers residents Nelson Avila and
wife Madalyn Klein mesmerized
the audience with their grace and
passion. Avila, a native Argentinian
who gained his American citizenship
last year, was one of the original
cast members of the Broadway
show “Tango Argentina.” He started
dancing at nine-years-old and has
had a successful performing and
acting career. His innovative choreography
has won him awards and
acclaim. He dazzled the Women’s
Club with his use of props, jump
ropes, scarves, and he even danced
with a large drum!
As his partner onstage and
off, Madalyn Klein presented a
beautiful and passionate dance
performance. Her sultry, graceful
movements blended into Avila’s,
as if they were one floating unit.
Her glamour was further personified
with three costume changes,
stiletto heels and a sultry form and
statuesque silhouette. A celebrated
dancer as well, Madalyn participated
in “Vintage Dance” events both
in the U.S. and abroad, including
noteworthy performances with the
National Dance Institute, headed
by noted ballet dancer, Jacques
The Avila’s performance ended
with an invitation for audience
members to join them on the dance
floor for tango lessons, under their
tutelage. The evening transported
club members into a world of
beauty and grace with the strains
of Argentinan music blended into
an international atmosphere.
A sumptuous buffet was provided
with chafing dishes representing
various global cuisines. A good time
was had by all.
Closing remarks were made
by Events Chairperson Rosalie
Goodman, and steering committee
members will continue to work
towards providing our members
with memorable programs, trips,
and evening like this to remember.
A fete accompli!
Got the dues blues? No problem.
Bring a $25 check made out to
NST Women’s Club to concierge
desk of Building #3 in envelope
addressed to Chickie Kaufman,
Apt. 1T
Questions? Call Chickie at 718
Remember: look for the poster
with the yellow rose in your mail
room. That’s us! See you soon!
Committe Members
Wednesday, October 11 at 7:30
p.m., Downstairs Card Room
Mentalist David Lawrence will
mesmerize and hypnotize with
entertainment and clairvoyance.
Wednesday, November 15 at 7:30
p.m., Downstairs Card Room
Back by popular demand…
Noted lecturer James Coll
Topic: “The Supreme Court”
Tango dancers Nelson Avila and
Madalyn Klein
Shall I play for you... pa rum
pa-pum pum