North Shore Towers Courier n September 2014 11 This year, the State Senate passed my bill to provide property tax breaks to co-op, condo, and homeowners — which would ensure that you will pay a fair property tax rate, instead of the grossly inflated property taxes we’re saddled with now. I hope I can count on your vote on September 9th — so I can go back to Albany and continue to fight for you and get this bill passed in the Assembly. — SEN. TONY AVELLA PHONE | 718 224-2130 EMAIL | [email protected] WEB | FB | /AvellaforSenate TWITTER | @TonyAvella IN THE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY ON SEPTEMBER 9TH, VOTE FOR TONY AVELLA. R E - E L E C T T O N Y A V E L L A | D E M O C R A T F O R S E N A T E Paid for by Tony Avella for New York N O B O D Y W O R K S H A R D E R T H A N T O N Y
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