How We Spent Our Spring Break
During this unprecedented time of lock
down and restrictions, the members of
the Women’s Club have been hard at
work keeping busy using their inner resources
to ward off the insanity of boredom. A talented
group, some of them have shared their expe-riences
with the enforced “free time.” Here
“It’s scary, it’s threatening, it’s confining. It’s
hard to live through this Covid-19 pandemic.
Who could have imagined this part of life could
be so unknowing. But, there is a bright side at
North Shore Towers. There are close friendships
we made with new people who feel like family.
We call each other often although we don’t visit
in our apartments. We do go outdoors when the
weather permits. The golf course open to walkers
(at designated times) has been so valuable to us.
In the last two months walking it, watching the
trees bud, some flowering and leafing has been
emotionally uplifting. We love it and find we
walk a bit longer each time. Thank you to the
board, thank you to the etiquette of the other
walkers. We hope to get through this better
than we expected.” ~ Marilyn Goldberg, Selma
Black, Selma Baumgarten, Lita Adair
“I am knitting an afghan. Thank goodness for
this project.” ~ Chickie Kaufman
“I had high hopes for writing my memoirs
during my time at home. ‘Not so fast,’ said my
computer. You have to make lunches and dinners
for your significant other. We require healthy
homemade meals. You have to go shopping for
the food and take time to exercise when you have
the energy. The TV is important because of the
virus news and Trump activity with newscasting
trying to explain it all. To add to this, I promised
a memoir to a new adult relative discovered
through DNA testing. Priorities change, and I
will start ‘The Life of Claire Born in Alexandria,
Egypt.’” ~ Claire Levitan
“I am adjusting to a new world. I take walks
around the golf course, am learning how to clean
my own house, and cooking more than ever.
Also taking classes on Zoom and keeping in
contact with friends through phone calls.” ~
Faith Wolitzer
“I am beginning a memoir of my life dedicated
to my great grandchildren who I probably will
never meet because my granddaughters are not
married yet. I will start with what life is like
now during the pandemic and plan to go back
in time to what life was like when I was born.”
~ Roberta Gould
“Lockdown keeps me busy. In addition to
counseling sessions (I volunteered), I write
Haiku and other poems, maintain social con-nectedness
- in spite of social distancing (phones,
face time, Zoom, WhatsApp), cook, clean, wash,
sanitize, read, walk, exercise...
Dinner - all ingredients from Mr. Oh.
Remember the Cinema Club? And dancing?
Did all this happen on the same planet? How
quickly things change. Waiting patiently for good
days to come back...” ~ Dr. Nurit Israeli
These are some of the jottings from the
Women’s Club. Looking forward to the good
old days. Hope to see you all soon.
Haiku is a Japanese poetry form that is
unrhymed. Seventeen syllables are arranged
in three lines of five, seven, and five syllables
respectively. Its objective is to express and
suggest more in the fewest possible words.
Our co-president, Gloria Beck, has devoted
some of her free time to exploring this inter-esting
Far East poetic structure. As usual,
her sense of humor does not fail!
Whether a brain freeze
or mental constipation
cheesecake will cure all!
chocolate ice cream
Is it really here art last?
Hand me a ladle.
Valk, talk, eat and laugh
Virtuality abounds.
Is this the new vay?
(Not misspelled. Gloria wants the V. ded-icated
to Vicki. Aw shucks!)
A Day in the Life of....
Watching old baseball games,
With a young Tom Seaver.
Then I switch the channel,
To reruns of “Leave it to Beaver!”
After seeing a flick,
With a bona fide hero,
I find a real oldie,
“Taxi” with Robert DeNiro.
While we’re all shut in,
Food is our nemesis.
Can’t visit each other,
Rarely leave the premises,
Sit round the flagpole circle,
One or two on the benches,
Trying to break the monotony,
Are the gloved and masked wenches
Days go by slowly,
Watch the golf course green,
Riding out this pandemic
Of the dastardly Covid-19.