Our June 18 meeting was
held via Zoom. The first
topic was the opening of
our swimming pools. Country Club
Chair Ed Phelan is in daily contact
with the NYC Board of Health to
get their green light. The process of
preparing the pools for opening is
nearing completion and we will be
ready as soon as we are authorized
to do so.
General Manager Glen Kotowski
provided an update on the expan-sion
joint and center courtyard proj-ect.
The Board decided to keep the
traffic “one way.” Several landscap-ing,
planting plans and irrigation
options are under consideration.
Our on-site Chase Bank has
been closed since the onset of
the pandemic. Physical barriers
between the teller and customer
need to be installed. Branch man-agement
indicates a target date of
opening on July 1.
The Board discussed voting
options and public meeting logis-tics
to safely conduct an election
for Board Directors in 2020. After
much discussion, it was agreed to
schedule an Annual Shareholders
Meeting on September, 10, 2020.
A new schedule of all election
related events will be provided
to shareholders. As a measure of
safety, “Meet the Candidates” will
not be a publicly attended event but
will be available for viewing on our
in-house channel. Additional infor-mation
and dates will be forwarded
as details are worked out.
The Board unanimously approved
a three (3) year contract renewal
for Summit Security to continue
as our 24-hour on-site security
company. Steve Kirschner and a
subcommittee interviewed three
companies and chose Summit as
the lowest-priced qualified bidder.
The Board again discussed the
issue of dues for paid Country Club
Members during the period the
Club was closed. Once all areas of
the Club are opened and the impact
can be analyzed, the Board will be
better able to determine what kind
of adjustment, if any, can be made.
Your personal safety remains the
priority of your Board, Management
Team and our entire Staff of ded-icated
employees who serve daily.
As New York City entered Phase
2 on June 22 and more businesses
and shops are now open, we urge
everyone to continue to follow
government mandates and follow
social distancing and face covering
protocols as recommended by the
Center for Disease Control.
Stay well,
Fred Chernow, President
NST Board of Directors
President’s Report – July 2020
Fred Chernow
Coming in July
Finance Report
The Finance team finds the
Apartment Corporation
$581,000 ahead of its accrual
basis operating budget through May
31, 2020. Maintenance collections,
while slightly slower than the his-torical
norm, remain strong relative
to industry standards.
The Towers Country Club ran
$37,000 better than budget with
revenue falling $250,000 under
budget and expenses coming to
the rescue by being $237,000 better
than budget. Once all of the areas of
the Country Club reopen for use by
Members after the coronavirus shut-down,
the Board will be in a better
position to determine what type of
adjustment to the 2020 Club dues,
if any, are reasonable based upon
the Club’s overall finance picture
at that time. Please be patient, this
is your Club. The Board is keenly
aware of and intends to address this
issue at the appropriate time.
Our long-term capital improve-ment
plan is under careful study
with several projects being
deferred based upon current
conditions. Your Board through
its Finance team will continue to
monitor our finances and provide
more detailed reports as decisions
are finalized.
Thank you.
DVD Cultural
We’re delighted that so many of you have been watching Channel
995, our in house channel.
Your Cultural Affairs Committee has been getting DVD
programs from the 92 Y, Biography, A&E and other YouTube sources
for your entertainment.
Our last three programs featured Jerry Seinfeld, Frank Sinatra, and
Robin Williams. We announced the dates and times in all of the lobby and
arcade monitors. Some of you may have not seen the announcements and
hopefully you will now tune in. A new program appears every other week.
If you watch Channel 994 you will find out that week’s subject which
you can then watch on 995. They are repeated several times each day.
In July we will be featuring Barbra Streisand. Please join us.