would inevitably come and sweep
their masterpieces away. Living
life fully is like building sand cas-tles:
We build them passionately,
despite our awareness of the com-ing
tide. The transitory nature of
sandcastles does not reduce the
pleasure of building them; per-haps
it even enhances it. So many
deeply revered things in our lives
are fragile and doomed to eventual
obliteration. Their impermanence
may be part of their special value...
Fortunately, no rough wave
lasts forever. Storms pass and
they strengthen something in us
that calm seas do not. Right now,
we are living through the biggest
global challenge of our generation.
It exposes all of our vulnerabilities:
the uncertainty of our health, the
fragility of financial security, the
ambiguity of leadership, the unpre-dictability
of life, the many things
over which we have no control. But
periods of crisis can be periods of
discovery. I do believe that when
we finally navigate our way through
this crisis, we will be better for it
on an individual level as well as on
a societal level. For now, I try to
accept the fundamental unpredict-ability
of life waves, see their rise
and fall as part of the procession of
life, appreciate the magic of their
Last weekend, I was walking along a beautiful beach by my son’s
home. It was high tide. The sun shed a bright light, birds were
circling the sky, and on the trees behind the sand I could see the
colors of summer. I threw a round rock into the water – as far as I
could – releasing a prayer into my beloved sea:
May we all find good ways to ride the bumpy waves.
May we trust the forces that carried us to solid ground before.
May we come out on the other side wiser and more aware.
May the rough waves that surround us right now recede.
May we each do all we can to aid the coming waves roll in our favor...
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