Help us document the experiences
of Queens residents during the
COVID-19 pandemic.
The stories we gather today will become a testament to the struggles
and resiliency of the World’s Borough.
3 Ways to Contribute:
1. Leave a message on our storyline at 1-855-QNS-LOVE (767-5683)
In your recording, please include:
A. The spelling and pronunciation of your first and last name
B. Your age
C. A way to contact you
D. A description of where you are
2. Follow Queens Memory on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
Tag us in your posts by using @queensmemory and #QueensCOVID.
3. Use the webform at https://queenslib.org/covid
Send us an account of your experience in Queens. This can be cap-tured
through writing, photography, sound, video, or oral history inter-view
We look forward to adding your photos, stories, interviews and other
contributions to the Queens Memory digital collections at Queens Public
Library and Queens College.
Please note that If you are between the ages of 14 and 18, you
must have your guardian’s consent to participate in this program.
Children aged 13 or younger may not participate in this program.