A Rhyme in Time
- Verse by Vicki
Since the Corona virus is here,
We still face our confined stake out.
Our meals are now on wheels,
We’re reduced to only take out.
No pools, no gyms, no weights,
Our exercise is only walking.
Circling round the golf course,
We share six feel of talking.
Our programs are on hold,
Resuming is our major goal.
To have Carminio and Alvarez,
And the esteemed Prof James Coll.
The large card room was our place
For talks amid conjectures.
Films and slides galore.
With Ehrlich-Sackowitz lectures.
We’ll persevere this cursed plague,
Every member, every Bubby.
So many months confined,
We emerge a little chubby.
Hair roots all growi in gray,
We succumbed to every ban.
But can’t wait to make a date.
To have our hair done at Pouran.
Our programs will be back,
Playtime, workshops and tasks,
International Night and parties,
Finally get to remove our masks.
The Women’s Club is waiting,
To use our minds and powers.
Planning great things to do,
Resume the good life
at North Shore Towers!
Good New$ about Due$
The calendar year for the
North Shore Towers
Women’s Club would
normally be slated for July
2020, and the $25 membership
would be just for renewal.
However, at the suggestion of
Acting Co-President Chick-ie
Kaufman, there will be
a postponement due to the
extenuating circumstances
caused by the coronavirus.
Dues are used for programs,
events, parties, trips, etc., that
the club plans. Because of the
elimination of these activities
for the time being, Chickie
has proposed that the collec-tion
of dues be put on hold
until such a time as regular
programming is put back into
We dearly miss the speak-ers
brought by the esteemed
Gloria Beck. We miss James
Coll, Professors Ehrlich and
Sackowitz, Marilyn Carmino,
Max Alvarez and many others
that have enlightened us in the
large card room downstairs. We
miss our Spring Luncheon at
the Jolly Fisherman; the work-shops
of Dr. Nurit Israeli and
Barbara Goldstein; Playtime;
and parties like International
Most of all, we just miss
being together and sharing
these experiences. As our
President Bobby Gould writes
from Florida, “When all this is
over we will celebrate big time
with lots of joys and hugs and
kisses.” Amen to that.
Cinema Club
While we have not
been able to have
our movie sessions,
we look back on reviewing
many award winning pictures
like “Parasite,” “The Green
Book,” “A Star is Born,” “The
Farewell,” and “Jojo Rabbit,”
to name a few. The movie
discussion about “Parasite”
was most stimulating for our
audience, with professional
character insight led by our
Dr. Nurit Israeli. The audience
walked out finding much more
relevance to the film due to her
Although much research
goes into presenting reviews,
there is also another substan-tive
element to factoring movie
watching. The credits at the
end of each film bears tribute
to the hundreds of workers
joined in the team effort of
film making.
A visit to the Director’s
Guild in Manhattan with film
buff Shirley Wershba was a
lesson for me in
Movie Making
101. At the end
of the preview
film presented,
not one audi-ence
left their seat
while all the
credits rolled
on the screen.
A combination
of artistic and
technical talent,
the audience
u n d e r s t o o d
what a Key
Grip and Best
Boy were and
other person-nel
that make filmmaking the
wonder that it is. As hundreds
of credits are displayed, the
realization is that the success
of a movie goes way beyond
the actors and the plot. With
this premise in mind, the
Cinema Club often spotlights
more minor elements of the
moviemakers in helping our
audiences develop a “third eye”
while viewing a film. We look
forward to resuming our films
and discussions on designated
Monday mornings.
In the meantime, whether
it’s Turner Classics, Netflix or premium movie
channels, try to stick it out to the end. Look at
the cinematography, listen to the music, and
let yourself be elevated to Movie Making 201.
A recent phone call from a regular audience
member described how she looks at films a little
differently now. If there is a particular element
that she notices, she will wait until the credits
roll to identify the person or group responsible.
Hope to see you down at the theater soon!
Photo by Vicki Mazel