A Game of Pool Anyone? BY FRED CHERNOW Pool, or pocket billiards, is growing in popularity in the United States and Asia. Napoleon, Abraham Lincoln, and Mark Twain were enthusiastic pool players. So, too, are many residents of NST. This is in spite of the fact our existing table is no longer in good shape. Enter, Madalyn Klein and husband, Nelson Avila. They have given us an Olhausen pool table complete with racks, balls, sticks and other paraphernalia. In the industry, Olhausen is known as “The Best in Billiards.” This came about, sadly, when Arthur Klein, Madalyn’s brother, passed away in April. He was a skilled player who actually taught Nelson the game. Madalyn recalls, “We were debating what to do with his table when I had a brainstorm. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to bring it to NST? “Arthur’s Olhausen came from Century Billiards, a family business in Northport. They did a fabulous job disassembling the 1000 lb. table, transporting it here, and having it reassembled. Nelson and I absorbed the cost.” As you can see from the photos, it is already in use by grateful NST Country Club members. Many of you will recognize Madalyn and Nelson. They are the International Argentine Tango Dancers, who live here and have entertained our residents. “We felt it was a wonderful way for all of us to enjoy playing and for my brother’s legacy to remain with us.” Madalyn Klein and husband Nelson Avila Behind the 8 ball QNS.com iS the New deStiNatioN for everythiNg QueeNS! BreakiNg NewS free claSSifiedS iNteractive eveNtS caleNdar coNNect with your commuNity oN NeighBorhood PageS GREENTHAL Property Sales, Inc./Property Management 272-40 Grand Central Pkwy. Floral Park, NY 11005 (718) 423-3130/(718) 423-3335 Fax: (718) 279-0162 www.nstowers.com Spend your “golden years” in your own home! Gurwin Home Care can make it possible, providing the extra help you need to keep you safe and sound. • Caring Home Health Aides • Hourly or live-in available • Nassau, Suffolk and Queens Call Cheryl at (516) 539-2300 to find out more today! Our Heart is in the Cring 34 NORTH SHORE TOWERS COURIER ¢ June 2017
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