North Shore Towers Garden Club
It’s been a long time since most of us have
“stopped and smelled the flowers,” but not
the North Shore Towers’ Garden Club. Below,
Garden Club president Bob Bader tells us a little
about the history of the club and what they’re been
up to these days. The beautiful photos here are by
Dawn Steinberg. Enjoy the pictures, and then go
see the garden in person! ~ Editor
NST’s Garden Club was established more than
25 years ago. The garden is located next to the
west gate (service entrance). Our co-op allowed
us to develop a piece of land to contain 64 lots
(not plots) for residents who wanted to plant
vegetables, fruits or flowers. Each lot is about 8
feet by 10 feet and each member cares for their
lot, turning soil, planting, weeding, watering and
harvesting the produce.
Our club is a not-for-profit. We are all volunteers;
no member is paid for any services rendered. Our
dues are used to provide hoses, small garden
tools and maintaining the pathways. Funds—
and weather (virus) permitting—will allow us to
provide a collation towards the end of the season.
At the present time, we are oversubscribed and
have a waiting list for membership. We believe
our club is another plus factor for living at North
Shore Towers. ~ Bob Bader