North Shore Towers Courier n April 2016 3 At Your Fingertips Digital edition of NST Courier always available online Miss the latest edition of North Shore Towers Courier? No worries! Whether you’re “Snow Birding” in Florida, away visiting friends or family, or simply taking a vacation, as long as you can get to a computer, you can get to the current issue of NST Courier. And it’s as easy as 1… 2… 3… Connect to the internet and log onto In the upper right-hand corner you’ll find a horizontal red bar with the words “DIGITAL EDITIONS.” Click on that link. STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 In a few moments, depending on the speed of your internet connection, a digital edition of the NST Courier will open. Arrows beneath the paper will allow you to navigate through the pages as you wish. Ta-da! That’s all there is to it. Now you or any members of your family and friends have the power to read the latest edition of the North Shore Towers Courier; it’s as close as the nearest computer! The window that opens features the covers of all the current publications by Schneps Communications (Owner of NST Courier, et al). Find the cover to North Shore Towers Courier and click on it. Step 1: Personal info Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Building # _____ Apt# _____ Phone: ________________ Cell: ______________________________________________ Step 3: Describe your art (fill-in as many as apply): Painting medium: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Sculpting medium: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Jewelry-making medium: _________________________________________________________________________________ Other art form: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you own any display materials (easels, pedestals, etc.)? _____________________________________________ If, yes, what? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Step 4: Return your completed application to the concierge in your building, addressed to the following committee member: Building #1: Julie Weissman • Building #2: Kandy Diamond • Building #3: Karen Perry/June Stelboun We will phone you to set up an in-person meeting. Attention Artists and Artisans! Join the North Shore Towers Art Exhibition Sunday, August 28, 2016 at Towers on the Green Put your talent on display and share your passion with your fellow residents. Just fill out the form and leave with your building concierge as directed. Please print all information clearly in ink and return as soon as possible. Full size applicatons in mailrooms. Have questions? Call an Art Show Committee Member: Kandy Diamond (347-235-0996); Karen Perry (718-225-0107); June Stelboun (347-502-7664); or Julie Weissman (718-423-3017).
To see the actual publication please follow the link above