

BY PAUL NETTLER At our January 15th meeting, we were all held in rapt attention as we viewed a movie about the life of Simon Wiesenthal, the famed Nazi hunter who was responsible in one way or another for bringing more than 1100 war criminals (Adolph Eichmann being the most infamous) to justice. The movie, entitled, “I Will Never Forget You”, refers to the 6,000,000 Jews killed in the Holocaust, and features interviews with Wiesenthal and archival movie footage of the atrocities that were perpetrated. It vividly portrays the hardships and suffering that the Jews had to endure. It also describes the difficulties that he and his family had to endure. He was often vilified, and his as well as his wife’s and daughter’s lives were often threatened to the point that he was at times accompanied by armed bodyguards. Although he was a driven man and his mission was a serious one, he was not devoid of a sense of humor and irony which were evident at times. For his 90th birthday, he asked for a party at a very luxurious Vienna hotel where Hitler would stay when there. Wiesenthal wanted it noted that the meal he ate was kosher. If ever there were a person who personified the biblical admonition, “Justice, Justice, Justice Shall Ye Pursue,” It was Simon Wiesenthal. Before the movie, our club member, Jack Sevita, gave us some background information on Wiesenthal. At one time, Jack acted as Wiesenthal’s financial advisor and Comptroller. It’s official! The Men’s Club has now entered the Twenty-First Century, led by Toby Horowitz, our first vice-president, and with some capable assistance from Leo Tujac, our treasurer. Toby has designed and developed the North Shore Towers Men’s Club website. He volunteered his time (which took more than 100 hours) and knowledge pro-bono. In doing so, Toby called upon his vast experience and professional background managing and implementing corporate systems and web technologies for more than twentyfive years as a former partner for KPMG Peat Marwick’s technology practices. He held similar executive positions at Estee Lauder and Century 21 Department Stores. The Men’s Club board was given a preview of the website and was very much impressed by its professionalism. It clearly demonstrated Toby’s skill in design, development and implementation of our soon to be completed website. Through the website, members will be kept up to date on what activities and programs are scheduled, historical information, features, etc. At our March 12th meeting, Toby will be giving a Master Class and demonstration of what we can look forward to through the website. He will explain why we created the site, how it works, and its contents. Don’t miss the meeting. The site address will be: northshoretowersmensclub.org. Make sure you add it to your “Favorites” list. Our meeting on February 12 will feature a film and discussion on American presidents led by Harold Katz. It will focus on their similarities and their differences. Also in February, we have a dinner scheduled at Giardinos in Douglaston for members and guests on the 25th, a poker tournament on February 26th and another Bingo Night on February 18th. The cost of the bingo cards will be $10.00, which will be the same for both members and guests. In the planning stage are a tour of the infrastructure of North Shore Towers and possibly a panel of retired police officers to discuss issues in the department in light of the situation with the mayor’s statements. For information about these or any other events, please contact our Events Committee Chairman, Arnie Rabinowitz at 718-819-8070. Reminders: Our Tuesday morning casual breakfasts in the VIP Room has been changed to Wednesdays from now on. Come join us. It’s a great way to just shoot the breeze. Have you applied for a Prime Card yet? It’s a discount dining charge card that our members can obtain, which offers large discounts. For more information contact our president, Al Fuchs, at 917-612-5350. For those of our readers who don’t belong to our club and would like to join us, our dues are $60.00 a year. Checks should be made out to North Shore Towers Men’s Club and left with the concierge in building 3 to the attention of Leo Tujak apartment 7A. Or it can be left at the entrance to the Country Club to Leo’s attention. If you have any questions, you can contact Leo at 347-408-4377 or call Al Fuchs at the number above. MEN’S CLUB Members (l. to r.) Al Fuchs, Arnie Rabinowitz, Paul Nettler and Toby Horowitz Presenter Jack Sevita 30 North Shore Towers Courier n February 2015

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