14 North Shore Towers Courier n February 2015 SUPPORT WEAR The Knitting and Crochet Club give their time and creations to our military heroes The NST Knit & Crochet Club has been in existence for the past 7 years. We have about 35 members who meet every Thursday night in the large card room by the movie theater. Recently we received a lovely picture and letter from one of the organizations we knit for. Our soldiers are thrilled with our scarves. We are always looking for more volunteers to help us knit and crochet for our heroes overseas as well as any acrylic yarn that people may wish to donate. You can contact me, Judy Ross at 347-235-4509 Anna Richar Hi Annette, Hope all is well! I thought I would share a picture with you and show the group how much the soldiers love the scarves you send to them. Best regards, Anna Richar, Airman & Family Readiness Programs Manager Judy Ross and her knitted friends Judy Ross’ Knitting Club window in arcade Three knitters Display of blankets 111th Fighter Wing Teddy Bear and Penguin
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