

20 North Shore Towers Courier n February 2015 Zoom Zoom ZUMBA Looking for a fun way to get in shape for AT NORTH SHORE TOWERS FIRST TIME CLIENT FREE Manicure & CURRENT CLIENT Free Manicure On Your Birthday Good only Tues. & Wed. SALON & MED SPA 718-423-8800 718-225-4100 eBay Sales TOO MANY TCHOTCHKES? Jewelry You Don’t Wear? OUR SPECIALTY! I WILL SELL IT FOR YOU ON EBAY. DISCREET Sales: I Come To You, North Shore Towers Resident LESLIE 917-856 SELL (7355) #1IN SALES & LISTINGS AT NORTH SHORE TOWERS THE SOURCE FOR THE LARGEST SELECTION OF LISTINGS AT NST! Annette Kroll 718.631.8867 ON-SITE RESIDENT MAGIC OF GREAT NECK REALTY 516.487.6300 www.AnnetteKroll.com the New Year? Zumba is a Latin-inspired cardio-dance workout, which combines music and choreography to create a fitness party atmosphere. And as these photos will attest, it’s accessible and entertaining for all ages. Check the Country Club Happenings calendar for exact times and dates. WarriorsZ! TEAM ZUMBA

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