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always moving forward...
Over the past two decades Lily has had many setbacks,
but… she has never given up hope.
Lily served as a NYC Police Officer in the aftermath of 9/11 and even though it took a
toll on her health, she has never lost her passion to help others in need. Nine years after
Superstorm Sandy devastated her Freeport home, she is still not back in her house... but
she continues to look forward to moving day.
Most recently, the effects of the pandemic hit her family very hard, as her husband
Winston, a U.S. Army veteran lost his job. Even through all of these challenges, Lily
continues to have a bright outlook on the future, especially for her young son.
After finding out about Lily’s struggles, United Way took immediate action by helping
pay some of her bills, as well as groceries through its Emergency Financial Assistance
Fund. With your generosity we can continue to be there for Lily, as well as all Long
Islanders. www.unitedwayli.org