Healing Heart, Body and Soul:
A Holistic Approach to Heart Disease
By Catherine Canadeo
What holistic lifestyle changes are recommended for
heart disease?
February is Heart Health Month so it’s a fabulous time
to think about keeping our hearts beating happily, but
what does it take to make a healthy – and happy – heart?
To have a heart means many things. It means to love, have
passion, be generous and forgiving, show kindness and
sympathy, be compassionate and have courage. Plus one
major factor in all our lives -our state of health.
We’ve all heard that heart health is associated with other
health conditions: high cholesterol, high blood pressure,
obesity, diabetes, menopause, high levels of inflammation
and more. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is usually
caused by atherosclerosis, which occurs when fatty material
and plaque buildup on the walls of the arteries and
cause them to narrow. So there is a definite physiological
aspect to consider when supporting heart health, but is
there another angle?
As the great Leonardo da Vinci once said: “Tears come
from the heart and not the brain”. Had this wise man
realized that there was more to the heart than merely
blood and tissue? So, what exactly is this enigmatic organ?
Is the heart just a biological pump that is merely to propel
the blood around our body, or is it a highly- sophisticated
organ that may even possess the ability to “think” for
itself? When many people start out on their quest to vanquish
heart disease, they set out in full force to overhaul
their diet and exercise routines. However, there are other
factors that often are overlooked. There have been many
studies done that show how stress levels and emotions
strongly affect heart health.
The Heart- Brain Link
We’ve all heard about the “Gut-Brain Axis” that plays
a significant role in our overall well-being. In recent
years cutting edge science also suggests a very strong
heart-brain link, with the heart being in constant twoway
dialogue with the brain. What is most exciting in
that research is the heart may send more signals to
the brain than the other way around. The Director of
Research at the Heart Math Institute, Dr. Rollin McCraty,
has focused his career on exploring the effects of our
emotions on heart -brain interactions and subsequent
effects on autonomic, cardiovascular, hormonal, and
immune s ystem f unction. H is l atest r esearch into
neurocardiology has firmly established that the heart
has a highly sophisticated intrinsic nervous system.
Scientists believe that our HRV -heart rate variability
is a key indicator of good health, and that our HRV is
directly affected by our emotions.
So how can we keep a happy heart?
I like to look at everyone – and every health issue -holistically
and believe that we should look at supporting our
health through an all-around approach that encompasses
diet, lifestyle and mindful living along with natural
Here are my tips for a “Wholehearted” Approach to
Heart Health
Diet: From a dietary perspective, research shows that
again, it’s a combination of the right foods in a “whole diet”
approach, rather than just the inclusion of a couple of
heart -friendly ‘superfoods’. Recent studies suggest that
the Mediterranean Diet is a good dietary framework to
follow: more vegetables, nuts, healthy oils, from sources
such as olives, nuts, avocados and oily fish, and a small
amount of lean meat. Also think about HOW you eat:
enjoy those healthy meals in a leisurely fashion with
family and friends, with maybe a glass of red wine in
Get Moving: Most people appreciate that we need to exercise
our muscles to keep them toned; well, the heart is
a muscle too, and research shows a positive link between
regular exercise, fitness and improved cardiovascular
health. Exercise can make us feel good too and improve
our overall health and sense of well-being. Don’t think
that you need to become an athlete -regular moderate
activity can be just as beneficial. Keep active within your
own limitations, and gradually build up your exercise
Know Your Important Numbers: You cannot change
what you do not measure. Some of key numbers regarding
the significance of health history that you should be
aware of and how they impact your overall health include
your BMI Index, Blood Pressure, Sleep- minimum 7 hours
sleep per night, and a full blood workup that includes
a Complete Blood Count, Cholesterol, Thyroid Panel,
C-reactive protein (CRP), homocysteine, DHEA’s adrenal
glands, estrogen and progesterone for women and PSA
(prostate specific antigen) for men, General Metabolic
panel, and Ferritin to measure your iron levels.
Catherine Canadeo, Health and Wellness Coach
Lifestyle: Be good to your body, heart and mind – do
what makes you happy. Make sure that you are kind to
yourself, your body and your heart by keeping stress
levels to a minimum, practicing mindful, conscious living
and considering if your emotions could be affecting
your heart health. Try deep breathing exercises, meditation,
journaling; selfcare equals selflove so stay heart
centered and focus on positive energy in your daily life.
Surround yourself with supportive friends and family
and be mindful of negative thoughts and behaviors. Be
careful what you think because your thoughts run your
life. Every cell in your body is constantly listening to
your thoughts and heart. Health comes from peace of
mind, peace in your heart, peace in your soul.
Love: L ove, p articularly love t hat d evelops into a
committed relationship, can have a positive impact
on overall health. A few benefits include decreased
risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, improved
immune health, faster recovery from illness and longer
life span. Your heart is pounding, your knees are weak,
your belly’s full of butterflies, and you have stars in
your eyes. It’s hard to deny that being in love feels good.
But did you know being in love is also good for you?
It turns out that falling head over heels has tangible
health benefits. Studies indicate that love impacts our
mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing in unexpected
ways, and might even help us live longer. Love is a
stress buster. It’s no surprise that having the support
of someone who loves you makes it easier to cope with
stressful situations. But it turns out that love itself can
reduce stress on a chemical level. As you move past the
honeymoon phase with your partner, oxytocin- the
bonding hormone-starts to settle in. This hormone,
which gives you the “warm and fuzzies” when you’re
cuddling, is also a powerful stress reliever. Being in
the presence of your loved one, or even just thinking
of them, boosts oxytocin, which can lower adrenaline
and cortisol levels. That’s oxytocin at work, or as I like
to call it, “the love hormone”.
Catherine Canadeo is a board-certified and nationally
recognized holistic health and wellness coach, life
coach, and integrative nutritionist. She has coached
and consulted with hundreds of private clients, not
for profits, and corporations throughout the United
States. Her concierge program focuses on wellness for
corporate executives.
She can be reached at catherine@catherinecanadeo.com
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