

50art calendar JANUARY14 NOGUCHI MUSEUM 9-01 33rd Road (at Vernon Boulevard) Long Island City, 718-204-7088 “Space Choreographed: Noguchi and Ruth Page” On view through January 26 “Space Choreographed: Noguchi and Ruth Page” is an exhibit of the Noguchi drawings of avant-garde American dancer and choreographer Ruth Page. This series includes ink wash paintings that abstract the human form. RESOBOX 41-26 27th Street Long Island City, 718-784-3680 “The KAIJU Art Exhibition” On view through January 30 In its tribute to the singular Japanese iconography known as “Kaiju,” meaning monster, RESOBOX brings artworks from around the world have the concept of “Kaiju” at center stage. In this exhibition, artists come JANUARY 2014 I LIC COURIER I www.queenscourier.com MUSEUM OF THE MOVING IMAGE 36-01 35th Avenue 718-777-6888 “Indie Essentials: 25 Must-Play Video Games” On view through March 2 The Museum of the Moving Image and IndieCade, the International Festival of Independent Games, will present this exhibition showcasing 25 independent video games representing “the diversity and innovation of the ‘indie’ video game scene.” Visitors will be able to play all the games which were created by individuals and small teams working individually and away from large studios and publishers. Games in the exhibition include award winners from the 2013 IndieCade Festival and also a collection of independent games which have made an impact on game design and culture. with their own “Kaiju” artworks. The artists featured in the exhibition are: Amy Lee Ketchum, Cate Woodruff, Jackie Zhu and Sanpo Matsumoto, Jean-Philippe Paumier, Jean-Pierre Lapeyre, Justin Baldwin, Kevin Speidell, Khairullah Rahim, Moshik Hayman and Suwami Nogami. DORSKY GALLERY CURATORIAL PROGRAMS 11-03 45th Avenue Long Island City, 718-937-6317 “THAW” On view from January 19 through April 6 “THAW” features work by Janet Biggs, Michele Brody, Blane De St. Croix, Vicki DaSilva, Elise Engler, Phyllis Ewen, Andrea Galvani, Elizabeth Jordan, Itty Neuhaus, Alexis Rockman and Scott Walden. Each of the artists have returned from their visits to Antarctica, Cape Breton, Haiti, Newfoundland, the Svalbard Islands and the Gobi Desert and are now showcasing what they have encountered. Collectively, these 11 artists present drawings, paintings, photographs, collage, sculpture and video that each addresses different aspects of the earth’s natural but forced transformation. Image courtesy of 2D Boy

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