N E W S DECEMBER 6 L E H A V R E Members of the LeHavre Art League: Flora Levi, painter; Jim Bischoff, artist; Marion Kashunsky, artist; Judy Densky, curator; Diane Menna, artist; Helma Reid, jewelry and tapestry; Charles Bentz, artist; Helene Olerich, Photography by Helene Another successful ART SHOW Helene Oelerich 6 LEHAVRE COURIER | DECEMBER 2013 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM The artists of LeHavre hosted another great arts and crafts show at the Clubhouse on Sunday, November 17. There were refreshments and exquisite paintings, photos, watercolors, jewelry and all kinds of crafts from members of the LeHavre Art League. Photos by Mike DiBartolomeo Patricia Brintle Jim Bischoff Marion Kashunsky Diane Menna Charles Bentz Flora Levi Helma Reid
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