N E W S DECEMBER 14 L E H A V R E POLICE ACADEMY COMPLETION STALLED BY MELISSA CHAN Completion of the new police academy in College Point has been pushed back three months due to fi re and fl ood damage, The Courier has learned. The majority of construction on the new $656 million police academy at 128- 11 28th Avenue will be fi nished in March, instead of this month as originally planned, according to the NYPD. Deputy Chief Kim Royster, a Police Department spokesperson, said the project was fi rst stalled when fl ood waters from last year’s Superstorm Sandy damaged custom air handlers in storage. A fi re in April also melted the building’s exterior glass atrium, scorching a number of outside panels at the north side of the building and destroying portions of its façade, Royster said. It was accidentally caused by a blow torch used during construction, according to FDNY spokesperson Frank Dwyer. “Together these events resulted in substantial completion being delayed by three to four months,” Royster said. But plans are still on track to have the new academy’s first recruit class enter the new training digs by July 2014, law enforcement offi cials said. The 700,000-square-foot building, in the project’s fi rst phase, is projected to accommodate one tour of 1,640 recruits during their first six months of training, according to Inspector Terrence Riley of the NYPD. In addition to classrooms and gyms, the new space for the city’s fi nest-to-be also includes a quarter-mile outdoor running track and a mock-up small city with banks, stores, apartments and streetscapes for simulated scenario-based training, Riley said. The total 30-acre site is bordered by College Point Boulevard, 28th Avenue and Ulmer Street. A new target date for the west campus is slated for March, while the east campus is expected to near completion in April, Royster said. The delay was welcomed by Andrew Rocco, president of the College Point Civic and Taxpayers Association. “Unfortunately, whether it opens tomorrow or three months from now, it’s going to create additional traffi c regardless,” he said. “This should give the NYPD an extra three months to fi gure out how they’re going to support College Point.” Rocco wants the city to extend Linden Place and fi x the neighborhood roads, among other things on his wish list. “They’re putting this citywide institution in our backyard,” he said. “We want to see some support from that, some visible police presence and support for local businesses.” 14 LEHAVRE COURIER | DECEMBER 2013 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM Councilmember sworn in Councilmember Paul Vallone was offi cially sworn into the City Council on December 10 by City Clerk Michael McSweeney. Vallone, who represents District 19, was accompanied by his brother, termlimited Councilmember Peter Vallone Jr. The freshman legislator begins his term January 1. Vallone will have a local inauguration ceremony January 4. Photo rendering courtesy of NYPD The new police academy in College Point will accommodate 1,640 recruits next year.
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