8 L E H A V R E N E W S N O V E M B E R Our Portico Upgrade Examples of the masonry upgrade work that has been finished at four buildings. Pavers have replaced pavers and brick. Six more buildings are slated for similar work next year. BY STEVEN YOUNG These pictures present the cement upgrade project that has been recently completed under B#5, B#20, B#23 and B#25 by Sal Salamone, general contracting (a Whitestone contractor). Sal and his employees have displayed excellent workmanship and we are constantly being complemented on this upgrade work. He has strived to address the individual needs of each building with attention to detail and has been a professional in every sense of the word. The upgrade work entailed replacement of the cracked cement and installation of interlocking diamond pavers on the entry way to “We’re All About You” PUBLISHER & EDITOR Victoria Schneps-Yunis ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Joshua A. Schneps EDITOR IN CHIEF Michael Shain 8 LEHAVRE COURIER | NOVEMBER 2014 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM match the lobby design. The column in front of the entry way has had bricks placed around it to make it an entry way feature. The project also focused on improving the grading and drainage under the buildings so as to move the water from underneath the buildings to eliminate puddles from forming. In addition cobblestones were installed around the building and walkways where necessary. We are planning to do at least six more buildings next year and to continue with the program each year until all buildings have been upgraded. The added- touch to this project will be the lobby renovation project which our Maintenance department employees have recently commenced working on. LeHavre Courier, 38-15 Bell Blvd. Bayside, NY 11361 718-224-5863 • Fax 718-224-5441 Sales fax: 718-631-3498 e-mail: [email protected] ART DIRECTOR Jennifer Decio ARTISTS Stephen Reina, Nirmal Singh, Ron Torina, Cheryl Gallagher Entire Contents Copyright 2014 by the LeHavre Courier. All letters sent to LEHAVRE COURIER should be brief and are subject to condensing. Writers should include a full address and home and office telephone numbers, where available, as well as affiliation, indicating special interest. Anonymous letters are not printed. Only letters with a name given will be accepted. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced without prior permission of LEHAVRE COURIER. The publishers will not be responsible for any error in advertising beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. Errors must be reported to LEHAVRE COURIER within five days of publication. Ad position cannot be guaranteed unless paid prior to publication. LEHAVRE COURIER assumes no liability for the content or reply to any ads. The advertiser assumes all liability for the content of and all replies. The advertiser agrees to hold LEHAVRE COURIER and its employees harmless from all cost, expenses, liabilities, and damages resulting from or caused by the publication or recording placed by the advertiser or any reply to any such advertisement.
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