

WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM | OCTOBER 2015 | LEHAVRE COURIER 3 THOMAS AFFATATO Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, It is with great pleasure to inform you about our time as a Le Havre resident. The Affatato family arrived 17 years ago as a family of four and grew into a family of six. Our three bedroom unit I guess may not have been adequate for a family that large, but we managed. One overwhelming reason was the Le Havre community and its lifestyle. Who can beat a summer at Le Havre? My lovely wife Yuri was a daily fixture at Pool #2 with our children growing up. We made and have many friends here at Le Havre. The nest is thinning with my older children leaving college and what a profound decision never to leave. It is with great honor that I serve on the Board of Directors. It is our home, one which will remain so for many years to come, God willing. I wish to continue the hard work that goes into serving on Le Havre’s Board of Directors to insure its place for many years to come for the new families arriving and maintain the fiscal health of our community at large. Sincerely, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Affatato CARLA AMELLER Are you a resident of LeHavre, and if so, for how long? Yes, 4 months Have you ever served on any Co- Op or Condo board, including Le Havre? No What special experience, qualifications or abilities can you provide as a Board Member? Please include your educational background. I have a bachelor’s degree in marketing and have lived in a co-op for six years. What is your occupation? What is the name of your employer (company or firm)? I manage a team in the Ad Operations Department at Vero LLC. What do you see as the major priorities for Le Havre for the next year? Continue to maintain and improve Le Havre. Do you have limitations, such as extensive travel or personal obligations, which may limit your availability or participation as a Board member? No. Additional Information: Although I have only lived at Le Havre for less than a year, I have lived in Queens for my whole life and I was born and raised in Bayside. I would love an opportunity to become part of the Board of Directors and be more involved in the Le Havre community, helping whichever way I can. [email protected] RAY BERGEN Are you a resident of LeHavre, and if so, for how long? Yes, 11 years Have you ever served on any Co-op or Condo board, including LeHavre? LeHavre Owners Corp, Whitestone 2010 - present - Treasurer What special experience, qualifications, or abilities can you provide as a Board your educational background. • MBA Accounting • Certified Financial Planner Income Tax Accountant What is your occupation? Self Employed Certified Financial Planner What do you see as the major priorities for Le Havre for the next year? • Managing Expenses • Maintaining the quality of life at LeHavre Additional Information: Hello to all my fellow shareholders. My name is Ray Bergen and I am currently serving as Treasurer on the Board of Directors. I am a certified Financial Planner and I have an MBA Degree in accounting. I believe that the current Board is doing a fine job and I look forward to continuing to work with the team. Our objective is, and will be, focusing on self-management and keeping our costs as low as possible. Thank you for all your support. MITCHELL BREIDBART Are you a shareholder of Le Havre Owners Corporation, and if so, for how long? Yes, almost 28 years. Have you ever served on any Co-op or Condo board, including LeHavre? Le Havre Owners Corp. 8/2005-10/2008 - Board Member 12/2014— Present - Board Member What special experience, qualifications, or abilities can you provide as a Board member? Please include your educational background. I have a B.A. from Queens College in Mathematics and Chemistry and a D.P.M. degree from the New York College of Podiatric Medicine. I will honestly represent the shareholders of Le Havre to the best of my ability. What is your occupation: What is the name of your employer? Selfemployed Podiatrist Do you have limitations, such as extensive travel or personal obligations, which may limit your availability or participation as a Board member? No Is there any situation, in either your personal or professional life, or that of your immediate family, which might give the appearance of a conflict of interest in your ability to serve as a Board member? No What do you see as the major priorities for Le Havre for the next year? Keep maintenance increases to a minimum while maintaining services, and excellent quality of life and continuing capital improvement projects. Have you ever been convicted of a crime (Felony or Misdemeanor)? No Are you now, or have you ever been, involved in any litigation, lawsuits, claims or arbitration against Le Havre Owners Corporation? No Have you ever misrepresented or given false information on a Board application in the past? No JUDY DENSKY Are you a resident of LeHavre, and if so, for how long? Yes, since 1997 Have you ever served on any Co-op or Condo board, including LeHavre? Le Havre Owners Corp, Whitestone 2002-2003 - Secretary 2004-2005 - Board Member 2005-2006 - Asst. Secretary 3/08-10/08 - Board Member What special experience, qualifications, or abilities can you provide as a Board member? Please include your educational background. • Graduate of Brooklyn College with B.A. in English Literature • Licensed Insurance Broker with wide range of business clients and business experience • An operations organization for CPCU and insurance professional society My past board experience and service in community groups What is your occupation? Insurance Broker. I work with B&B Coverage LLC. What do you see as the major priorities for Le Havre for the next year? • Improving areas under our buildings, grounds, and signage • To keep spending within our operating budget and reduce costs • Increasing our capital reserves Additional Information: I have lived in Le Havre for over 34 years and have enjoyed all my years in this wonderful community. Having been on the board in the past I feel confident I can handle the duties and responsibilities it entails and want to contribute to improving our life style here. My son went to Bayside High School and played tennis on our courts, and handball when we had the handball courts. As a Board Member, I work with our insurance brokers to get the best insurance deal available for proper coverage at the lowest cost as well as plan and help execute the major renovations here at LH. My expertise in this area can help the co-op contain costs. As a past and current member of the Budget & Finance Committee, I work with the committee members to review expenses, prepare the budget, and find ways to increase our major capital reserve. I also am the co-captain of my building. I was involved with the NSERDA review which has resulted in LH getting a very good low interest 2+ million loan for our windows. Currently I chair the Art Show Committee for the LH Art League which has 2 art shows a year in our clubhouse. And mostly, I love living in LH and making it a better co-op and community. MICHAEL DE ROSA Are you a resident of LeHavre, and if so, for how long? Yes, 13 years. Have you ever served on any Co-op or Condo board, including LeHavre? Le Havre Owners Corp, Whitestone 2009 - 2013 - Secretary 2013-Present - Vice President What special experience, qualifications, or abilities can you provide as a Board member? Please include your educational background. I have been in the building trade for 30 plus years; H.S. trade school, Master Plumber Course MEET the CANDIDATES Here are the candidates for the Board of Directors of Le Havre. There are 13 candidates running for 9 seats in elections set to begin Sunday, October 18. Results will be announced at the Board Meeting on October 22, when the Board begins its new term. The biographies were submitted by the candidates themselves and appear here in alphabetical order. A “Meet the Candidates” night has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 7th in the clubhouse from 8-9 pm. L E H A V R E N E W S 3 13 vie for spot on LH board in this month’s ELECTION O C T O B E R DENSKY ROSA

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