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Let’s Play! Le Havre’s Renovated BY MICHAEL DeSTEFANO
It was a red letter day on
Sunday, April 18, when the newly
renovated Le Havre Playground
was officially reopened, complete
with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.
Everything looked great, and hats
off to Maintenance, who painted
the fence base and ramp bright
The event kicked off at 11:30
am with a bright sunny sky. Le
Havre Board President Stanley
Greenberg opened the ceremony
with a short speech, noting that Le
Havre hasn’t had swings in over
30 years!
Fifty balloons of all colors (red,
orange, yellow, green, blue and
purple) were handed out to the
kids—but there were more kids
than balloons in attendance, uh oh.
Luckily, the other kids weren’t left
out: 30 goodie bags had been set
aside and were distributed to the
children who hadn’t gotten a balloon,
so no kid left empty-handed
and they were all happy. In total,
approximately 60-65 children plus
parents took part in the festivities,
an excellent turnout.
No surprise, the swings were
a big hit. As soon as the ribbon
was cut, children sprinted up the
ramp to get their first try. The kids
and their grown-ups did a nice
job making sure the children took
turns and didn’t spend too long
on the swings so that others had
a chance, and they stayed filled
throughout the event. And when
they weren’t on the swings, many
kids went to the spinner, which
they sit on and spin themselves
around (thankfully, none of them
got too dizzy!).
While the playground was
filled, children who were waiting
their turns played with their balloons
and goodie bags on the two
patches of grass bookending the
playground. The entire area was
filled with happy children, as you
can tell by the pictures here.
Special thanks go to the parents’
group who suggested the renovation,
and of course to the Board
and Management, who did a great
job of making this happen. It’s
another terrific amenity here at
Le Havre!
Photos by Carla DeStefano and
Morale Visual Productions
l-r: Board members Carla DeStefano and Mitch Breidbart; Mrs. Arlene Greenberg; Board member Judy Densky;
General Manager Margaret Costello; and Board President Stanley Greenberg decided to come out and play!