By Eileen Annechino
Early in 2016, a small group of thoughtful shareholders asked if a committee they had been members of could
be revived with a new Board liaison. Without hesitation I said yes, brought it to the Board for their support,
and asked to be the liaison. The Quality of Life (QOL) committee formed again and we went to work.
Since then the committee has evolved to undertake a wide variety of initiatives, and so we thought it was time
for a new name: Cryder Point Community Affairs. This new moniker seems to most aptly express what the
committee is about, signifying that our quality of life, interests, events and philanthropic activities are joined
under one banner.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with what the committee’s been up to, among our first activities was an
Easter Egg Hunt and Games for children, followed by an Adult Pool Party, the first to be held in a number of
years at Cryder Point. (This year, July 14th marks our third Adult Pool Party, followed by a Kids Pool Party on
August 25th.) Halloween and the winter holidays came with festivities and volunteers to help make it happen.
As time went on, something else also happened…. we became involved in community affairs and reached out
to our community in meaningful ways, serving with pride and purpose. When our community grocer,
Waldbaums, closed a couple of years ago, several of our community members gathered to speak with Tony
Avella and continued to follow-up with letters and calls. We celebrated Earth Day by cleaning our beach and
expanded the activity this year to include a small community flower garden planted by our children. We held a
food drive with two pantries stocked for the holidays due to the generosity of Cryder Point residents and
committee members who collected, sorted and delivered the food. Our coat drive too was a success, with over
16 bags of coats delivered to a community in need.
None of this would be possible without the involvement and support of Cryder Point residents. We’re a very
fluid group, and residents can come any time to meetings, volunteer for events, share information on special
interests, help with planning, and share ideas for community activities.
We are also self-sustaining: Raffles and 50/50 prizes help offset costs for community events and provide seed
money for future activities. And for the first time last year, we received the support of our community
merchants and shareholder families for the Adult Pool Party. We remain grateful to those who volunteer or
participate in these events and buy tickets.
The committee meets on the third Tuesday of every month in the 01 Community Room. Please join us any time
with your thoughts, ideas and interests for our community. Thank you all for your interest and support!
Cryder Point
Community Affairs