

C R Y D E R P O I N T 6 Juen 2016 Cryder Point Election for the Board of Directors All nine Board seats are open…here we go again! We had quite a number of new residents over the past year, so there may be a bunch of you who aren’t familiar with our last annual meeting and are wondering why all nine board seats are open. The way it works at Cryder Point is that Board members are elected for two year terms, with the terms staggered so that there is some continuity on the board from year to year. To achieve this, five members are elected for a two-year term one year and four are elected for their two-year term the next year, and so forth. A quorum of at least 51% of total shares in the cooperative must be voted in order for there to be an election, and last year approximately 43% of shares were voted—not enough for an election. As a result, all board members who were in office last year have remained, and any board member who wants to continue 6 cryder point courier | June 2016 | WWW.QNS.COM to serve on the board is required to run for reelection. As of the May 20 application deadline, all nine current board members have chosen to run, and there were no additional applicants. If a quorum is achieved this year, the five candidates who receive the highest number of votes will be elected to a two-year term and the remaining four will be elected to a one-year term in order to get back to the staggered term structure. Following are reprints of each candidate’s resume along with a photo so that you can put a face to the name. These resumes are necessarily brief, but we hope they give you an idea of what each candidate’s goals and perspectives are. Please be sure to attend the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on Thursday, June 23. If you cannot attend in person, please complete your proxy and have someone submit it for you. Election packages will be issued shortly. Your vote counts! NAME: EILEEN EGAN ANNECHINO BUILDING / APARTMENT #: 41/1O OCCUPATION: Consultant, Volunteer, Retired Business Manager Does your occupation require extensive travel? No Do you spend more than one (1) month a year away? No Are you available for at least ten (10) of the twelve (12) monthly evening meetings? Yes How many years have you been a Cryder Point Shareholder? 3+ years Are you currently a resident? Yes Please explain why you are seeking election to the Board of Directors. Having recently joined the Board in January of 2016 I would like to extend my time and demonstrate a continued commitment to Cryder Point shareholders, providing expertise in areas where I have experience. Election to the Board is an opportunity to improve upon or provide new, quality benefits to shareholders. Serving on the Board aligns with my personal commitment to volunteering and giving back to community. Please list any interests, talent, education or experience you possess that you feel would serve as an asset to the Cryder Point Owners’ Corp. Board of Directors. I have over 37 years’ managerial and project management experience. This includes designing and delivering mass market programs (energy), managing large budget projects and preparing and delivering presentations and topical speeches. For over 25 years my focus has been delivering energy conservation, demand management and energy efficiency programs for the NYC area. I have a deep interest in the environment and energy sustainability. I have excellent oral and written communication skills. What changes would you like to see made at Cryder Point, and why? I would like to see more community activities and have been working directly with shareholders as Board liaison to the Quality of Life committee. There will always be room for change and improvement, and I remain sincerely prepared to make thoughtful, prudent and fiscally responsible decisions that serve the entire community. Name: MINNA J. COHEN Building/Apartment #: 21/3O Occupation: High School Special Education Teacher Does your occupation require extensive travel? No Do you spend more than one (1) month a year away? No Are you available for at least ten (10) of the twelve (12) monthly evening meetings? Yes How many years have you been a Cryder Point Shareholder? 11 Are you currently a resident? Yes. Please explain why you are seeking election to the Board of Directors. I have been a member of the Board of Directors for three years. The Board of Directors have shepherded many projects to completion to insure the maintenance and viability of the infrastructure of Cryder Point. It is important that the work be continued and the shareholders with the experience remain on the Board. My parents were Residents and Shareholders at Cryder Point since 1980. I am a lifelong Resident of Beechhurst and grew up in a home three blocks from Cryder Point. My childhood and school friends all lived in various apartments amid the three buildings. We would play and fish on the Dock and sit by the Beach. Cryder Point has a special place in my heart. It has always been HOME. Please list any interests, talent, education or experience you possess that you feel would serve as an asset to the Cryder Point Owners’ Corp. Board of Directors. I have a Master’s Degree in Special Education and am a Law School graduate. During my career I had various opportunities to utilize my skills in Administrative areas. I honed my skills in organization, leadership and technology. I currently work with various Community Organizations to advance programs within my School and Students neighborhood. I am goal oriented and able to work within specified time frames to complete projects. My Communication skills have served me well working within different committees. I recognize the importance of Teamwork and getting a consensus of opinions where everyone’s viewpoint is heard and respected. What changes would you like to see made at Cryder Point, and why? My overriding concern is the continuation of the family environment at Cryder Point. This includes maintaining the structural integrity, financial stability and safety of our valued residents and their families. I am aware of the challenges to our buildings’ infrastructure. I look forward to continue working with our Board of Directors so future generations continue to maintain the Cryder Point Quality of Life. NAME: JILL DAVIS BUILDING / APARTMENT # 21/4C OCCUPATION: Newspaper Writer/Editor Does your occupation require extensive travel? No Do you spend more than one (1) month a year away? No Are you available for at least ten (10) of the twelve (12) monthly evening meetings? Yes How many years have you been a Cryder Point Shareholder? 6 Are you currently a resident? Yes Please explain why you are seeking election to the Board of Directors. I have been on the Board for five years. We have made many strides towards improving our property, particularly our infrastructure. The balconies have been completed and we are near to completion of the sea wall project; both of these projects were necessary and required significant capital investment. I would like to see these initiatives through to their completion and begin long-term planning of future projects. Please list any interests, talent, education or experience you possess that you feel would serve as an asset to the Cryder Point Owners’ Corp. Board of Directors. In addition to my current experience on the Board, I bring 30 +years of business and management experience to CPOC, which includes budget management, working cooperatively within a group and understanding the importance of being both decisive and fair. A Board member must wear two hats: We are all shareholders first, yet we must remain objective when it comes to the health and well-being of the corporation and the cooperative as a whole. What changes would you like to see made at Cryder Point, and why? As soon as it is feasible, I look forward to returning the temporary parking lot to green space. I would also like to evaluate longer-term projects so that we can begin planning and prioritizing now for improvements that will need to made down the road—one example would be the lobbies, which will require refurbishing in the future. Starting to address these kinds of projects early, before they become urgent, will allow us to plan and budget judiciously.

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