

12 JUNE C R Y D E R P O I N T How Did BrainDead Come to Cryder Point? Read the inside scoop! BY JILL DAVIS It wasn’t until after press time last month that the details of how BrainDead came to Cryder Point were fully revealed. I knew about Ethan, the amiable young location scout I mentioned previously, but I wasn’t clear on exactly how he wound up in our particular little corner of Beechhurst. As we know, Ethan was in the area because 160th Street was a good stand-in for Washington, D.C., and BrainDead was going to shoot a car crash scene over there. And as many of us also know, Paul and Marsha Gellert are Cryder Point residents and local real estate brokers. What’s the connection? Well, the Gellerts have signs posted at various locations throughout Le Havre for their company, Shares of New York. When Ethan was checking out the neighborhood, he spotted one of the signs and decided to call the number to ask if there was a suitable location nearby for the now-infamous balcony plunge scene. Marsha recalls her cell phone ringing that morning; Ethan was on the other end to explain what he was looking for. “I was very hesitant at fi rst,” Marsha said. “A TV show was fi lmed here a number of years ago and I knew how disruptive it could be to the residents.” Apparently Ethan’s talents go beyond just fi nding locations for TV shoots, because he quickly won Marsha’s trust. “I told him my concerns,” Marsha said. “We chatted for a little while and I got a good feeling about him, that he knew what he was doing and that the crew would be sensitive to our residents.” Ethan told her that they would keep the number of days here to a minimum and that they would put everything back as it was, or better, when they were fi nished. Of course Ethan also made a point to tell Marsha that the coop would be compensated. “I thought it would be a great opportunity for Cryder Point to get a little windfall,” she said, and so she seized the moment. “I told him how wonderful the apartments were and suggested he come to my offi ce and I would show him around,” she explained. “When we met he told me what he needed- -long hallways, an apartment with two ways of egress and a balcony. I showed him apartments that I knew were perfect. He took pictures and sent them to his boss.” It got a little more involved for Marsha as the day went on. “The higher ups were excited when they saw the pictures and asked if I could give them a few more hours of tours,” she said. “Within an hour I was showing about 12 people all around Cryder Point. The two most important people, the director and producer, were happy with everything they saw. The technical people said everything would work.” With good news in hand, Marsha called Phil Resnick. Phil called Lou Garcia and Lou called me and, well, the rest is history. Negotiations for Cryder Point’s compensation, as well as the shoot itself, went off with hardly a hiccup and, as the letter from the BrainDead folks attests, it was a very smooth experience for all involved. So we give belated thanks to Marsha Gellert and her good intuition. Marsha smiled, “It’s the same intuition that helps me put the right people with the right apartment.” Thanks Marsha, you can be Cryder Point’s scout any time! 12 CRYDER POINT COURIER | JUNE 2016 | WWW.QNS.COM EYE PRODUCTIONS, Inc. Good Morning, I hope everybody is doing well. I wanted to reach out on behalf of the entire BrainDead cast and crew, and thank you all for a great film shoot at Cryder Point Apartments. We got some really amazing footage, and I'm sure it's going to look great on TV. The 2 episodes we filmed at Cryder Point Apartments (episode 4 & 5) are scheduled to air on July 11th and July 18th on CBS. I believe we have the 10pm time slot. The premier episode will air on June 13th. It was a pleasure to work with you all, and we had a great experience. Everything went as smooth as could be, and I hope the residents feel the same way! I was glad to see some pictures of the line at the ice cream truck. I think that was well received, and we were happy to be able to thank the residents for all of their cooperation and understanding over the week we were there. Filming on location is a big part of the television Industry in NYC. Of course that comes with some inconvenience to the neighborhoods we film in, so it's always nice when the community enjoys the experience, and are able to see some of the interesting things we do, like having a girl dive off of a balcony. Thank you again for all of your assistance with this project, and I look forward to working with you all again in the future. Sincerely, Lynn Powers Locations Manager BrainDead Tyler Cobb Assistant Locations Manager BrainDead CBS Brain Dead |196 Diamond Street |2nd Floor |Brooklyn NY 11222 P: 718.389.0065 |F: 718.389.7083

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