C R Y D E R P O I N T APRIl 7 Seawall & Related Updates www.qNS.com | APRIL 2016 | CRYDER POINT Courier 7 If it seems that progress has been slow to finish up the seawall, you are correct. It has at times been a bit frustrating, but the seawall is such an enormous project it has required a great deal of care, not to mention a lot of flexibility as schedules have needed to shift and the “domino effect” of one component impacting another has needed to be handled. The photos here, taken March 31, show the ongoing work of the seawall and dock. At this time, the project is targeted to finish in June. Below are some specifics and updates as of this now: Plantings on the slope: We are finally at the stage where foliage can be planted on the slope. This is a critical step as the area requires natural vegetation in order to develop roots to stabilize the soil underneath the boulders. This will be undertaken immediately and is expected to be completed by mid-April. Work on the dock is actively underway and expected to be completed by mid-May. This will include redesigned fencing and a new gate that will greatly reduce the ability of intruders to enter the area. Temporary parking lot: We’re all anxious to get rid of the ugly lot and get back to green space and normal parking conditions. This has to be done in a couple of stages as the contractor’s equipment is removed in phases off the property. The east side of the 41 building will be cleared out first (mid-May) with the west side of the 01 building to follow when the project is closer to completion. At that point we will be able to start tackling the refurbishment of the courtyard. Steps to the beach will be put in place in June, near the end of the project. They will be located at the east end of the property behind the 41 building. We have received proposals from the gardener for new plantings for the front of the 01 and 21 buildings and other sections of the property. There is a lot to do, and Management and the Board are discussing plans with him. Updates will follow as schedules are solidified. The playground will not likely reopen until sometime in June. All of the current equipment will be reinstalled after new matting and fencing is put in. The pool will open on time for the season on Memorial Day weekend. Additional updates will be posted as things develop. As always, please contact the Board with any questions. Photos courtesy of Right Angle Construction
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