

APRIL 10 C R Y D E R P O I N T CCCCCCCCCrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyydddddddddeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr PPPPPPPPPoooooooooiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnttttttttt SSSSSSSSStttttttttaaaaaaaaaffffffffffffffffff SSSSSSSSSpppppppppoooooooootttttttttllllllllliiiiiiiiiggggggggghhhhhhhhhttttttttt Welcome to the Cryder Point Staff Spotlight, where we will periodically feature a short Q&A with one of our great staff members. It’s not only one small way to acknowledge them, but also a way to help our residents get to know the people who work here at Cryder Point a little bit better. This month’s Staff Spotlight is on someone whom you probably see pretty often no matter which building you live in. That’s because Andres Vargas works in not one, not two, but in all three buildings at Cryder Point as a member of our excellent porter staff. You’ll see him around the property from 8am to 4pm every day (except Tuesdays and Wednesdays). Andres has been with us for four years and likes what he’s doing. “I like my job because I help everyone,” he said. “And,” he continued, “I am learning something new every day.” Learning something new all the time keeps things interesting. “Every day is a challenge, a good challenge,” Andres explained, “because I want to make sure my job is done with precision and that residents are satisfi ed.” Proud Dad Andres with the kids 10 CRYDER POINT COURIER | APRIL 2016 | WWW.QNS.COM When he’s not making sure that Cryder Point residents are satisfi ed, Andres enjoys listening to music. “I love the music from my country, the Dominican Republic.” But family is most important. I think Andres looks too young to be married for 16 years, but that’s what he says so I’ll take his word for it. He has a daughter, Adriana, who’s 12 years old and a son, Adrian, who is 5. “I love to spend time with my children; they make me happy.” He added quickly with a smile, “And of course my wife. Can’t leave her out!” When asked to tell us something interesting about himself, Andres claimed that he’s really “a simple person.” But, no surprise, he quickly referenced his work; it’s clear that he takes it very seriously. “Something interesting about me is that I love to learn new things about my job,” he said, and concluded, “Thank you so much for the opportunity.” And we thank you, Andres, for giving us the opportunity to have you as such a great part of the Cryder Point crew! Andres and his lovely wife, Diana Andres Vargas That’s some crayon! Adriana and Adrian at Crayola Park in PA The Vargas children, Adriana and Adrian

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