Caribbean L 32 ife, October 4 - 10, 2019 BQ
Lower blood-sugar levels
without use of medication
Diabetes is a disorder
in which the
body cannot properly
store and use the
energy found in food.
To be more specific,
diabetes compromises
the body’s ability to
use glucose.
According to
MediLexicon International,
type 1 diabetes
is an autoimmune disease
in which the body
wrongly identifies and
then attacks pancreatic
cells, which causes
little to no insulin production.
Those with
type 1 diabetes usually
must rely on insulin
shots to remain
Type 2 diabetes involves
insulin resistance
or insufficient insulin
production and is
the more common form
of diabetes. The pancreas
may still produce
insulin, but not enough
to meet the demands of
the body. Insulin resistance
occurs in some
cases because a consistent
high blood-glucose
level causes cells to be
overexposed to insulin
and then makes cells
less responsive or immune
to its effects.
Diabetes treatment
can include a combination
Diabetics can try a number of home remedies to lower their
blood-sugar level.
of strategies, including the following
nondrug remedies:
Diabetics can work with their
doctors and nutritionists to come
up with a diet that will be most effective.
Some advocate for eating
foods that are low in carbohydrates
or ones with a low glycemic index.
Others say that it is more important
to restrict caloric intake rather
than sugar intake.
Work with a professional to create
a healthy diet and follow it as
closely as possible. Eat meals at the
same time each day so you can better
regulate blood-sugar spikes and
lulls. Skipping meals may cause you
to overeat later in the day, which
can throw glucose levels off-kilter.
Many people with type 2 diabetes
are carrying around extra weight.
Exercise can help them shed pounds
and maintain healthier weights.
But exercise does more than just
help you lose weight. The Joslin Diabetes
Center says strength training
exercises are an important component
of workouts. By maintaining
lean muscle mass, you can get rid of
a larger amount of glucose in the
bloodstream, thus helping manage
diabetes in the process. Get at least
20 to 30 minutes of moderate activity
several days per week.
Some people find that certain
natural ingredients can help regulate
blood-sugar levels. For example,
pure, organic apple cider vinegar
taken over time can help people
with diabetes manage their bloodsugar
levels more effectively.
A small amount of cinnamon per
day may be able to reduce fasting
glucose levels by anywhere from 18
to 29 percent, according to a study
in the Journal of Agricultural and
Food Chemistry.
Always speak with a doctor before
trying any home remedies to
treat diabetes or exploring any alternatives
to traditional diabetes