Caribbean Life, Mar. 31-Apr. 6, 2022
New Permanent Representative of Saint Lucia to the OAS Presents Credentials on
March 21, 2022. From left : Elizabeth Darius-Clarke, Ambassador, Permanent Representative
of Saint Lucia to the OAS, Luis Almagro, OAS Secretary General, and
Nestor Mendez, OAS Assistant Secretary General. Juan Manuel Herrera/OAS
St. Lucia’s new envoy
presents credentials to OAS
By Nelson A. King
The Organization of American States (OAS)
says the new Permanent Representative of St.
Lucia, Elizabeth Darius-Clark, has presented
her credentials to OAS Secretary General Luis
Almagro at a ceremony at OAS headquarters in
Washington, D.C.
“Secretary General Almagro welcomed
Ambassador Darius-Clark back to the House
of the Americas after her previous period as St.
Lucia’s Permanent Representative from 2015
to 2017,” said the OAS in a statement.
Almagro told Ambassador Darius-Clarke
that he has “no doubt that, as you did then, you
will now make new and important contributions
to the organization.
“We look forward to working with you on
important global matters, like climate change,
and economic recovery in COVID and post-
COVID times,” he added.
According to the OAS, Ambassador Darius-
Clark reaffirmed her country´s commitment
to multilateralism and the Inter-American
“My government’s mantra of putting people
first affirms our commitment of placing people
at the forefront of our political, social and economic
agenda,” she said.
“It is a statement that aligns with the OAS’
slogan of more rights for more people,” she
According to the University of the West
Indies (UWI) Alumni online, Ambassador Darius
Clarke is also St. Lucia’s ambassador to the
United States.
She was educated at St. Joseph’s Convent
in Castries, the St. Lucian capital, and later
earned a B.A. degree from UWI, an M.A. degree
at the University of Manchester and another
M.A. at Durham University, UWI Alumni said.
It said she is an educator, with more than
20 years experience, and is also a management
UWI Alumni said Ambassador Darius-
Clark’s husband, Leo Clarke, is general secretary
of the incumbent St. Lucia Labor Party.
5.1 quake shakes southern Haiti
By Evens Sanon,
Associated Press
(AP) — An earthquake with a
preliminary magnitude of 5.1
struck in Haiti on Wednesday
close to an area still struggling
to recover from a deadly
tremor that hit last year.
There were no immediate
reports of deaths or serious
injuries. Frankel Maginaire, a
reporter for Radio Caraibes in
Jeremie, told The Associated
Press that some minor injuries
happened as people panicked
and started running.
Some people also said walls
that were damaged in the
2021 quake collapsed.
Jean Louis Paul Menard,
director for the Grand’Anse
police department, told AP
that some bricks fell from the
main cathedral in Jeremie
and that students who were
still in class panicked.
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