Caribbean Life, Mar. 31-Apr. 6, 2022
Mayor Adams joins colorful return of Phagwah
By Tangerine Clarke
Mayor of the City of New York Eric
Adams joined celebrants in a colorful Phagwah
comeback, on March 27 after a hiatus
of the parade, due to COVID-19.
The politician extended the greeting,
“Sitaram,” as he thanked thousands of
Hindus for their support during a cultural
stage presentation to observe the 34th
Annual festival, held at the intersection of
Liberty Avenue and Lefferts Boulevard, in
Richmond Hill, named Little Guyana.
Called the Hindu Mayor, Adams who
noticeably avoided being doused with
Abrack, multi-colored powder, explained
the importance of the Spring festival colors
and the colors in the diversity of our city,
and what this community means to us.
“When you think about the Hindu spirit
I too, like you, eat plant-based healthy food,
spiritual food. That is what you represent in
this community,” said Adams.
“We are fortunate to have an amazing
woman elected to the state government,
the first Hindu, Assemblywoman Jennifer
Rajkumar, a real leader, fighting for
this community, and she is right, this is
a moment for you to show your political
strength and power in this great community
of good business leaders, and good
educational system, this is a community
that has contributed so much,” said the
“This is your moment to say that you
are very much a part of New York, we look
forward to being your partner. You helped
me to become the mayor and I am going
to help you to become the strong community
you deserve to become. Thank you
so much. Happy Phagwah!” exclaimed the
Queens Borough President, Donovan
Richards, presented proclamations to the
festival organizers The Federation of Hindu
Mandir Inc. and the Arya Spiritual Center,
Inc., for the rebirth of the celebration.
Richards, elected in the heart of the
pandemic, said it was a blessing to be
outside, and promised celebrants that the
parade will return in 2023, since Queens
continues to lead New York city in vaccinations,
with more than a million residents
“I am here to wish you a happy Holi,”
said Richards who recalled the country’s
slowdown two years ago, and folks being
lost. “As we remember them, we look to
the future, and a new beginning,” said the
“We want you to be prosperous, with
good health and may this be a new beginning
for every one of you. We will get past
the darkness by lighting a candle and being
a light to the world,” he said. He called on
everyone to pray for Ukraine, a country he
said he visited a few months ago.
“It is an honor to be the borough president
in the most diverse county in this
country and in the world, where we have
190 countries represented, and over 350
languages and dialectics spoken.”
“We understand that our diversity is our
strength. There may be those who seek to
build walls in Queens County, but we will
break those walls down by building bridges,
expressed the BP.
NYS Senator of SD15, in Queens, Joseph
Addabbo, in turn, reiterated Queens diversity,
saying, “It don’t matter where you
come from, we know how to get together
and have a good time. A happy, healthy
Holi, it’s great that we can get together
again, we are beyond Covid. God bless you,
and thank you,” he said.
NYS Senator Roxanne Persaud, who represents
SD19 in Brooklyn, and who will be
seeking a fifth term in Primary 2022 waved
the Golden Arrowhead flag of Guyana,
as she extended greetings to the colorful
crowd. “It is great that we can come out
and celebrate in the circle that we are in,
together Happy Holi! she said with excitement
and thanked the NYPD for their
In keeping with Women’s History
Month, many women acknowledged the
festival, including NYC Councilwoman of
District 32, Joann Ariola, and Judge Karen
Gope. Guyanese-born, Judge Andrea S.
Ogle, explained that late founder of the
Phagwah, Pandit Ramlall, was the reason
she continues to attend the spring festival,
and thanked the community for voting her
to the bench.
“Holi is for new birth, and new beginnings,
we are out in the community celebrating,
continue to be safe everyone.
Happy Holi! said Judge Ogle.
Guyana’s Minister of Human Services
and Social Security, Dr. Vindhya Persaud,
extended greeting on behalf of President
Iraafan Ali, and the government, while
calling on expats to come home and shared
memories of festivals, and she will when
she returns, before wishing celebrants, a
Happy Holi.
Brooklyn District Attorney, Eric Gonzalez,
also attended the celebration.
The dynamic presentation of exciting
dance performances from Guyana’s top
artist, Terry Gajraj, the blended musical
instruments, the enjoyment of residents
dousing each other with colored liquid and
powder, certainly brought a renewed spirit
of celebration, and the once again coming
together of the community, that Dr. Dhanpaul
Narine said is usually celebrated with
a float parade and thousands of onlookers.
Phagwah heralds the arrival of spring, in
the Hindu system that signifies, triumph
over evil, and light over darkness, said Narine
an original member of the Phagwah
committee that began in 1988, where only
40 people turned out to enjoy the parade.
He said the New York times named
the Phagwah parade as the biggest street
festival in Queens, adding that the Indo-
Caribbean community was one of the hardest
affected by pandemic because it was
the epicenter of the pandemic in the early
stages of COVID-19.
“The school system, employment, living
Mayor of the City of New York, Eric Adams, being honored with a Hindu garland
at the return of Phagwah celebrations in Richmond Hill, Little Guyana, Queens, on
March 27. Photo by Tangerine Clarke
arrangements, and our beautiful festival,
we are accustomed to, and absent for the
last two years, is now back, not as big as it
was, but we are happy to be celebrating.”
Dr. Narine presented plaques to the wives
of Phagwah pioneers, for their services, and
for the significant roles their children play
in the success of the annual Phagwah
parade. “And how appropriate it is, to celebrate
and honor these mothers during
Women’s History Month,” he added.
The educator also stated that the visit
of Mayor Eric Adams was the highlight of
the return of the festival, and called him a
Romeo Hitlall, a prominent member
of the committee, thanked all the artists,
and behind the scenes operators for their
signification contributions to the return
of Phagwah.
Hundreds of celebrants enjoy a cultural
presentation, while plumes of colored
powder permeate the skies at the return
of the Phagwah celebration in
Richmond Hill, Little Guyana. Photo by
Tangerine Clarke
Queens Borough President, Donovan Richards, fifth from left, presented proclamations
to members of the Federation of Hindu Mandir Inc. and the Arya Spiritual
Center, Inc., during a stage performance to celebrate Phagwah. Photo by Tangerine