Caribbean Life, Mar. 31-Apr. 6, 2022
accepting applications for the 2022- 2023 school Year!
Bronx Charter School
for the Arts is a K-8
public Elementary
and Middle School
founded on the
principle that a rich
and vibrant background
in the arts is
a key catalyst for the
academic and social
success of all students.
We believe that
the arts are transformative
and have
the power to engage
students for the long
haul, keeping them in
school by building a
passion that survives
for life.
At Bronx Charter
School for the Arts,
music echoes in
the halls, student
art covers the walls
from floor to ceiling,
and performances
of theater and dance
take place in front
of applauding family
and community
members. Students
receive daily instruction
in theater, dance,
music, and visual arts,
and lessons in these
subjects are integrated
into the academic
curriculum. We strive
to serve as a model
that encourages creativity
and innovation
in the classroom and
inspires students to
develop the intellectual
and personal
fortitude to realize
their dreams.
Our responsive
classrooms ensure
students are engaged
and supported
through social-emotional
and meaningful
relationships. Rigorous,
engaging, and
relevant curriculum
encourages students
to be creative and
collaborative as they
expand their critical
thinking skills to immerse
themselves in
the discovery of new