TNLL Opening Day celebrates 70th season
Throgs Neck Little League celebrated its 70th season with the Opening Day parade followed by ceremonies on Saturday, April 2 at the Throgs Neck Little League field.
John Doyle and state Assemblymember Michael Benedetto at the TNLL Opening ceremonies with
Coach Peter Duffy and team Dobbs Realty.
(l-r) James McArdle, Tommy Warkenthien, Nellie Farrell, and
Mason Lyons (Team Todino Sewer and Water) participate in
the TNLL Opening Day parade.
NYC Councilmember Marjorie Velazquez poses
with Msgr. John Graham at the TNLL Opening
Day ceremonies.
Author Laura Alvarez diplays her book “Eggie’s Adventures at Poe’s Cottage” after reading to CS 211’s early childhood class.
Photo courtesy Childrens Aid NYC
Author and illustrator Laura Alvarez
read her book “Eggie’s Adventures at
Poe’s Cottage” to the early childhood class
at CS 211 in the Bronx on March 21. The
picture book seeks to encourage curiosity
about the Edgar Allan Poe Museum and
the famous writer and poet.
FYI Around The Borough
NYC authors read
to Bronx students
in honor of National
Reading Month
(l-r) Mike Marano (Fundraising), Rick Robustello (VP), Dan
O’Connor (President) , Gerard DiPreta (Secretary) share a laugh
during the TNLL Opening Ceremonies.
Anthony Marco and Mario Iannacone show off
their anniversary uniforms made for the 70th
Anniversary season.
Photos Aracelis Batista
Participants in the Throgs Neck Little League Opening Day parade.