Throggs Neck’s Lenny Caro, executive vice president of Business Development for
Royal Waste Services, Inc., was recently honored by the Boy Scouts of America with the
Bronx “Good Scout” award.
The Bronx Chamber of Commerce, the Belmont BID, Third Avenue BID, community
members, elected officials and others came together on March 26 for the Bato Coffee and
Wine ribbon-cutting ceremony.
Doctors and students pack health supplies for
Ukrainian women.
The Ukrainian people are suffering
immeasurably and supporters around the
world are stepping up to help in all sorts of
ways. This includes Montefiore anesthesiologist
Dr. Tracey Straker and three Albert
Einstein College of Medicine medical
students, Cory Ransom, Breckin Horton
and Diana Dominguez-Garcia. Montefiore
Einstein women are helping to address
the needs of Ukrainian women by shipping
feminine hygiene products in collaboration
with The Afya Foundation. Westchester
based Afya Foundation, which
connects those who have medical supplies
with those who need them, has shipped
more than 325 pallets of medical supplies,
weighing almost 160,000 pounds, and with
a total value of nearly $1.8 million.
Doctors and students pack a truck full of health
supplies for the Ukrainian women.
Photos courtesy Montefiore Health System
Throggs Neck’s Lenny Caro, executive vice president for Royal Waste Services, Inc. Photo courtesy
Lenny Caro
FYI Around The Borough
Monte docs & students donate feminine
hygiene products to Ukrainian women
Throggs Neck resident honored
by Boy Scouts of America
Bato Coffee and Wine opens
Ismer Mjeku, co-owner of Bato & Wine takes part in the ribbon-cutting ceremony with attendees
including Yasmin Cruz, Westchester Square BID; Alyssa Tucker, executive director of The Belmont
BID; Michael Brady, Third Avenue BID; former Councilmember Mark Gjonaj; Councilmember Rafael
Salamanca Jr.; Lisa Sorin, president of Bronx Chamber of Commerce ; Vera Mjeku, wife of Ismer
Mjeku; state Assemblymember Nathalia Fernandez; Assemblymember Michael Benedetto, community
members and others. Photo Jewel Webber
Preston’s National Honor Society Induction
The Monsignor Thomas Preston Chapter of the National Honor Society at Preston
High School inducted 48 new members on Monday March 28. Guest speaker Ms. Kailani
Capote, an NHS alumna and graduate of the Academy of Mount St. Ursula, from the
New York Peace Institute, discussed conflict resolution and restorative justice. Preston
families joined the student body and faculty to congratulate the new members.
National Honor Society officers with moderator Dr. Nikolaus Unger.
Photo courtesy of Preston High School