Hayley Bridgewater with owners Leo Maragas & Anthony Parrino HAYLEY BRIDGEWATER SEPTEMBER 2013 | BOROMAG.COM | 33 through the door at the start of class is any indication, I think they are accomplishing that goal. I have always been a big believer that the trainer/teacher is reflected in the student. There are people who need external circumstances and extra motivation to get themselves into action. And certainly, there are individuals, myself included, who have an internal drive and focus for all things physical fitness. Regardless of where you fall, the connection to those from whom you learn is key. It is definitely why I return every day to those who mentor me, and it is inarguably the environment Leo and Anthony are creating at CKO Astoria. THE WORKOUT Upon arriving, Leo asked all the newbies about past experience with kickboxing, and took us aside to demonstrate and teach the basic punches and kicks included in the class. Once he had confirmed that we understood and could perform the correct technique, we joined the veterans. Anthony started us out with laps around the gym and light cardio to get the blood pumping—all to a great playlist—and a sequence of stretches. From there, we alternated intervals of heavy bag drills with body weight exercises, agility sequences, additional cardio and plyometrics. Each set of drills was explained and taught first, and then we were let loose for a set duration of time. During these drills, Leo and Anthony made the rounds, checking each person individually, correcting form and offering motivation. There was a lot of variation in the hour of interval training, and we were encouraged to find our own pace. As an added plus, Leo circulated throughout the duration of class for one-on-one mitt work—my personal favorite—providing another opportunity for form correction. We wrapped up with abdominal work, a cool down run, and some stretching. When asked to describe their mission at CKO Astoria, Leo emphasized, “We encourage our members to go at their own pace, while reinforcing proper kickboxing technique. Each 60 minute class not only includes intense kickboxing and resistance training, but encompasses calisthenic, plyometric, and cardiovascular excercises. Additionally, members have fun, relieve stress, and shed calories in a clean, energy-filled atmosphere.” Sounds like a perfect description of what I experienced. I arrived excited by the people and trainers around me and left dripping, laughing, and riding a serious endorphin buzz. It certainly won’t be my last visit. CKO Astoria offers several different membership options ranging from 1 to 12 months. The winter months will bring an exciting 10-week challenge special for anyone looking forward to a jumpstart on a New Year’s resolution. Currently classes are offered in the evenings Monday through Friday, and during the day on Saturday and Sundays. The class schedule will expand to include morning weekday classes beginning in the fall. Classes will be added to meet demand. Additional information can be found at: www.ckokickboxing.com/astoria.html www.facebook.com/cko.astoria.3
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