in using Oriental medicine and acupuncture to treat their conditions because they are tired of Western medical approaches or can’t afford them, or have tried everything and nothing has worked. The majority of our patients come in to get treated with either acupuncture or massage therapy for orthopedic or sports injuries. Many come for the treatment of infertility, stress, anti-aging, skin care, hormonal acne, digestive issues, seasonal allergies and other chronic conditions. HB: Share with us a little about your current staff. DB: We have two acupuncturists, a massage therapist and an office manager. We are in the process of hiring two more acupuncturists to meet the demand. Massage therapist Chouline has been a great addition to our wellness center, as she listens and tailors treatments to what the clients need. Acupuncturist Anna specializes in holistic anti-aging skin care, and uses acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition and esthetics to help her clients feel and look 10 years younger. I have a special interest in treating orthopedic and sports injuries. I integrate traditional and modern acupuncture in order to provide a speedy recovery and longlasting results. By combining traditional wisdom and modern science, the results we get are extraordinary. HB: Do you feel like Astoria plays a definitive part in your business? DB: Absolutely. Our business is thriving because of Astorians. They are always looking for alternatives and ways to improve their well-being, whether it is an organic health food store, a yoga studio, a gym or an acupuncture office. HB: Do you feel that the business fills a need in western Queens? DB: I definitely do believe that we fill a need because there are not many places that offer the services that we do. A lot of our patients say that they are grateful that we are here in Astoria, and they do not have to go into Manhattan to get things like acupuncture, quality massage therapy services, natural anti-aging therapy and holistic medical services. One of the things that sets us apart is that we actually listen to the patient and take time to get to know them in order to help them get better. HB: Where do you envision the business growing from where it is currently? DB: This is our third year in business, and as I mentioned earlier, we are in the process of hiring another two acupuncturists. We do foresee expanding and adding more locations around Queens and Manhattan. For additional information on services, pricing and location: Oak Point Health and Vitality Centre 23-92 23rd St. Astoria, NY 11105 718-777-0620 Services: Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, Kinesio Taping, Corrective Exercise, And Skin Care Therapy JULY 2015 | BOROMAG.COM | 23
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