Filmmaker Island City High School. Though he experimented with acting and participated in the school’s theater group, he was eventually drawn to film and enrolled in elective Art of Cinema classes for three subsequent years. The influence of Dr. Ronald Puch, one of his film teachers, resonates in particular. Georgiadis explained, “We would sit and dissect films all day, and that’s when my passion for storytelling developed.” He credits viewing movies in high school like “Psycho,” “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” and “White Oleander” with solidifying his decision to pursue filmmaking upon graduation. Within the current cinematic landscape, Georgiadis feels that films today are overly generic and feature trite storylines juxtaposed with ostentatious special effects. “The artistry of storytelling is put second, and glitter is thrown all over the place,” he laments. He yearns to contribute new perspectives to storytelling on the big screen, and in doing so, wishes to shed further light on the human condition. But for now, Georgiadis is content with simply being recognized as a local filmmaker within his own neighborhood. He excitedly proclaimed, “I want to get Astoria to say, ‘Hey, that guy’s a filmmaker!’” “Running Out” and “The Paradox” can be viewed on Georgiadis’s Vimeo account ( petrosgeorgiadis). His feature, “Sever,” will tentatively be released in early 2016, and updates regarding this project are regularly posted on his Facebook page, Petros Georgiadis Films. petrosgeorgiadiS Petros Georgiadis FilmS Running Out The Paradox
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