Something to ban k on 52 | BOROMAG.COM | MAY 2015 FINANCE Immediately, Sussex Bank feels unlike any other bank. There are no teller windows or lines. The space is refreshingly open and warm, with enormous photographs of countryside, rural landscapes and hillsides of thick green grass. The faces that look up from their desks smile warmly, and you instantly feel welcome. “Our bank is all about relationship banking. There are no teller lines because every associate has the power to complete any transaction at their desk,” says Vito Giannola, Sussex Bank’s executive vice president and chief retail officer. “The reason we are in Astoria is because we have a long history here with the family.” “Our advantage is that we are a smaller bank in a growth mode,” Giannola continues. The trend in larger banks is to close down various branches and consolidate. “One person here can do everything,” Giannola says. “We are best in class when it comes to mobile banking and online banking,” he continues. The bank will soon be rolling out its mobile capture feature, allowing clients to deposit money directly from their phones. Thursdays, the branch is even open until 7 p.m. The bank was founded in 1975 and has a strong foothold in the northern New Jersey marketplace. Sussex Bank President and CEO Tony Labozzetta said Astoria residents can expect a “high-tech, high-touch” experience at the new branch, adding that “for me, the holy grail is finding that efficiency while maintaining a personal touch—combining the tools someone may need to bank anywhere, at any time—but you also have to be able to reach out to them so they know they are appreciated.” Anthony Labozzetta Vito Giannola 28-21 Astoria Blvd. 347-472-1727
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