storage and bringing back items she wants
to adorn her house with.
“There are only two closets in this whole
apartment, so there's not enough space,”
she said, adding that she brings stuff to
her uncle’s house to store in his garage
as well.
Scattered throughout the house are
porcelain Buddhas that are meant to pay
tribute to Bond’s father, an Eastern culture
A globe on the dining table reminds
Bond of her dad, who gave her one when
she was younger. Bond isn’t sure where that
globe went, but the one on the dining table
was gifted to her by her best friend and
former roommate.
“He knows how much I like globes,” she
said. “I also love to travel so it's kind of like a
tiny reminder of that.”
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Also scattered are terrariums of varying
sizes, each one assembled by Bond. Plus,
there are vinyl records of Aretha Franklin
and Barbra Streisand, which Bond played
over the course of my visit.
“I've been a Barbra Streisand fan since like
middle school or high school,” Bond said.
“In storage somewhere at my uncle's house
I have every single album she's ever made.”
Streisand also makes an appearance in
the walk-in closet. Near the ceiling on the
opposite side of the pipes are images of
what Bond called “badass women.”
“We’ve got Meryl Streep, Miranda
Lambert, and this sexy model girl,” she
said. “I just love having these images
in this boudoir hyper-feminine space. I
wanted some chicks that inspired me and
are kind of badass. Barbra Streisand is also
up there.”
Photos: Yelena Dzhanova/BORO