4. Find creative ways to break up monotony
Since we can’t practice shoulder-toshoulder
yoga or bar trivia, both Koblenz
and Giuggioloni recommend trying
new activities throughout the day.
Koblenz suggests activities
that “break out of
a normal routine that’s
playful and silly” like living
room date nights or
exercise sessions with
your partner.
“Most of us have
lost our routine and
daily organization.
We also have lost
spaces and activities
that we loved. It is
fundamental to create
new spaces, at different
times and with
separation between
activities. Differentiating
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spaces and times for activities
allows us to go to different mental
places, too,” Giuggioloni said.
Walk with your roommate to
Photo courtesy of Gamestoria Photo via Getty Images
Gamestoria off Broadway. The local
business sells every type of game
from Settlers of Catan to Jenga for a
fun game night.