Agnieszka Misior
Principal uses teaching & art to help neighbors
Pol a nd n at ive Ag n i e s z k a
Misior is a lways teaching.
Wh i l e s h e w a s e a r n i n g h e r
p o s t - g r adu at e de g r e e s
i n the Facu l t y of
A r t s a nd Pe d a go g y,
maj o r i n g in
g r aph i c s , Mi s i o r
f o u nd he r s e l f
work i n g wi t h
s p e c i al ne e d s
s t ud e nt s .
A f t e r comi ng
t o the Uni t e d
S t at e s lo ok i n g fo r
a new cha l l en g e ,
M i sio r lande d a
j o b t e a c h i n g at t he
Pol i sh Suppl e m e nt a r y
S cho ol – St. Moniu s z k i
in Ro ckaway B e ach. Dur ing
he r t ime w it h t e a c h i n g at
t he s cho ol , M i s i o r w a s abl e
t o d eve l o p h e r own p r o g r am
i n t e g r at i n g common
e lement s from te a c h i n g
h i s t o r y a nd ge o g r aphy i n
h e r ol d e r c l a s s e s . T o t h i s
d ay, M i s i o r c o o r d i n at e s w i t h
s cho ol s a l l ove r t he c i t y t o
Dr. Napoleon Savescu
Astoria physician always helps those in need
For over 40 years, Astoria
resident Dr. Napoleon S avescu
has been helping people in n eed
get medical care, regardless o f
thei r financial situation
or i f they have medical
insurance. Having
pract iced in New
York, Florida and
New Jersey, Dr.
Savescu current ly
ac t s the Medical
Director of ABC
Medical P.C. in
Astoria and as the
Attending Physician
o f Internal Medicine
at Mt . S inai o f Queens
Ho s pi t a l i n L ong I s l a nd
In 19 9 7, Dr. Savescu
founded The Romanian Medical
Society of New York, which
aims to suppor t the Romanian-
American community. He
served as it s president for many
years and col lected money
f rom doctors to create a fund
for scholarships for talented
young Romanian student s in
h e lp s t udent s a c h i e v e .
Si nc e 2 0 1 1 , M i s i o r a s a c t e d
a s t he scho ol ’s pr i n c ip a l
a nd st i l l t e a c h e s t he
o ld e s t c l a s s e s . M i s i o r
a l s o or g a ni z e d
c o l l e c t ion s o f t oys ,
c o lo r i n g book s ,
b o ok s i n Eng l i sh
f o r k i nd e r g a r t en s
a nd or pha n a g e s
a s we l l a s f a i r s
a nd a c t i v i t i e s fo r
t he c ommu n i t y at
l a r g e .
A s an art i s t ,
M i sio r pa i nt e d
a huge art pi e c e
r e que s t e d by the
Ro c k away B e a c h p r i e s t fo r
t he S t . R o s e o f L ima Chu r c h
a nd don at e d it . She a l s o
r e f r e she d , rep a i nt e d , and
r e s t or e d t he Re s u r r e c t ion
Gr ot t o i n t h e chu r ch.
S h e a l s o h o s t e d a n a u c t i o n
t h a t r a i s e d $ 2 3 0 0 , w h i c h w a s
don at e d t o t he a c c ou nt o f
Ju l i a O g , who s u f f e r s f rom
i nop e r abl e b r a i n c a nc e r.
New York. In 19 9 9, Dr. Savescu
went on to found the Dacia
Revival Internat ional Society,
accredited NGO to United
Nat ions, al so serving
as the president . As
a hi storian, Dr.
Savescu star ted the
Dacia Magazine and
organi zed about
2 0 congresses and
special monthly
event s to teach
and educate people
about the values
of their hi storical
root s .
Out side of
medicine, Dr. Savescu
serves as the President
o f the “St s. Peter and Paul”
Romanian Or thodox Church’s
pari sh counci l .
He actively participates in
rel igious and cultural event s
in t he congregat ion and a lso
helps manage donat ions a s wel l
as publ ic rel at ions between
the church and the community
at large.
Manizha Naderi
Helping Afghan women thrive in America
Manizha Naderi was born in
Kabul and raised in New York
and has served as the Executive
Director of Women for Afghan
Women since 2006. She
began volunteering at
WAW in 2002 as a leading
member of the Afghan
community and is
deeply committed to
working for the rights
and empowerment of
Afghan women and
M a n i z h a
spearheaded the launch
and growth of the New
York Community Center
in Queens, in the heart
of the Afghan immigrant
In 2006, Manizha moved her family
temporarily to Kabul, Afghanistan
to conduct a needs assessment and
establish programming there. Since
then, under Ms. Naderi’s leadership,
WAW is now the largest women’s
organization in Afghanistan with
32 facilities in 13 provinces, staffed
by over 750 local Afghan women
and men.
WAW’s model facilities include
Women’s Protection Centers
(shelters), Family Guidance
Centers, Children’s Support
Centers, and Transitional
and Halfway Houses.
She also helped to build
WAW’s Women’s Rights
ARE Human Rights
training program
that has reached over
305,000 Afghans, and
thousands more in the
US and globally.
Manizha is the lead for
WAW’s respected program
mode, fundraising, board
development, and overall
organizational vision. She has
presented at the United Nations,
the European Commision, Goldman
Sachs, and at many high-level
policy meetings and community
town halls.
Manizha has a bachelor’s
degree from Hunter College
and is fluent in Dari, Pashto
and English.
Tony Singh
Made his American dream real
Tony Singh was born Nov. 2, 1957
in Georgetown, Guyana, the fourth
of 11 children of Bhagwantie “Baby”
Persaud, and Chitbahal “Punce”
Singh, a laborer who inculcated
his values of hard work
and self-reliance in his
In 1982, he migrated
to the United States,
landing a job as a
cleaner. He married
Sherell Jones in 1984
and fathered three
beautiful daughters;
Nadia, Trisha and Asha-
Marie. After working
as a janitor for a fashion
design company run by
renowned designer, Linda
Platt, Tony found an interest in the
apparel industry. He spent countless
hours training as a garment cutter,
learning the intricacies of patterns;
which are essentially the blueprint
of every garment.
His knowledge of these blueprints
surpassed that of his instructors.
Tony was able to see defects and
inconsistencies in the patterns
and lend advice on how to fix it or
improve it. This became essential
in the development stages of design
and made his understanding of
the garments highly sought
after by designers of note.
In 1995 Tony decided
to use his abilities to
form his own company,
and in 1996 Four
Seasons Fashion
Manufacturing LLC
was born. Today, Four
Seasons works with
major Couture brands
and is a pillar in the
fashion industry.
In 1998 with a few
individuals from his prayer
group Tony started a food pantry
dedicated to feeding the working
poor. Today he is president of that
organization known as Calvary’s
Mission. His organization feeds
thousands of families. Last year
alone Calvary’s Mission distributed
3.7 million pounds of food with Tony
at the forefront of this campaign.