102nd Precinct
Richmond Hill
Burglars hit restaurant
for cash
Detectives are looking for two men
who allegedly broke into the Royal Indian
Palace in Richmond Hill this month and
made off with the cash register.
Th e two unknown perpetrators broke
the glass on the front door of the restaurant,
located at 118-08 Atlantic Ave.,
around 3 a.m. on Dec. 6, police said.
Once inside, according to the NYPD,
they took the register containing $120
and fl ed the scene in an unknown direction.
Th e incident was later reported to
the 102nd Precinct.
108th Precinct
Long Island City
Pair pleads guilty
to acid attack
Two people entered guilty pleas in
Queens Criminal Court on Tuesday, Dec.
18, to charges that they attacked a nonprofi
t’s director with acid on a Long
Island City street back in 2015 in an
attempt to cover up an embezzlement
Queens District Attorney Richard A.
Brown said that Bronx resident Kim
Williams, 49, and Jerry Mohammed, 35,
of Troy, New York, pleaded guilty on
Dec. 18 to fi rst-degree assault. Queens
Supreme Court Justice Ira Margulis indicated
at the hearing that he would sentence
them on Jan. 17, 2019, to serve
17-year prison sentences.
According to Queens District Attorney
Richard A. Brown, Williams recruited
Mohammed to throw acid on Reverend
Dr. Alexandra Dyer, the executive director
of Hospital Audiences Inc. based on
Skillman Avenue in Long Island City, on
the night of Aug. 19, 2015.
Williams had worked for Hospital
Audiences as an accountant, and according
to Brown, she hatched the acid attack
plot as part of an eff ort to cover up her
theft of more than $750,000 from the
nonprofi t, which provides disabled individuals
with access to the fi ne arts.
Prosecutors said Williams committed
the theft between 2013 and 2015, pocketing
$600,000 of the funds for herself and
providing $150,000 to a close friend.
Dyer had caught on to the theft and
launched her own investigation. Aft er
learning of the probe, prosecutors said,
Williams brought in Mohammed to
attack Dyer in an eff ort to stop her from
digging any further.
Dyer suff ered extensive, severe burns
to her face and other parts of the body,
Brown said, which required hospitalization
and several surgical procedures.
Williams and Mohammed were arrested
in April 2016 for the acid attack.
109th Precinct
College Point
Shoplifter beats up
Modell’s worker
Cops are searching for a man who
recently stole merchandise from a
Modell’s Sporting Goods store in College
Point and then got physical with an
employee who tried to stop him.
Law enforcement sources said the suspect,
who is described by investigators as
a black man in his 20s, entered the store
at 139-17 20th Avenue around 9:15 a.m.
on Dec. 7.
The perpetrator began removing
more than $700 of merchandise before
a Modell’s employee confronted him,
police said. Th at’s when the suspect
shoved the staff member to the fl oor and
escaped, according to the NYPD.
Offi cers from the 109th Precinct
responded to the scene. Th e employee
suff ered a laceration but refused medical
attention at the scene.
On Dec. 16, the 109th Precinct tweeted
out a blurry image of the suspect,
who stands at about 6 feet, 1 inch tall
and weighs 170 pounds. He was last seen
wearing black jeans and a black jacket.
Anyone with information is asked to
call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline
at 800-577-TIPS; all calls are kept confi -
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On Dec. 17, the precinct tweeted out
images of the perpetrators. One of the
suspects was wearing a black jacket and
the other wore a white sweatshirt.
Anyone with information is asked to
call the 102nd Precinct Detective Squad
at 718-805-3212 or the NYPD’s Crime
Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS. All
calls are kept confi dential.
114th Precinct
Long Island City
Duo sought for
kidnapping plot
Police are asking the public for help in
fi nding two men who attempted to kidnap
a man outside of the Hyundai of
Long Island City dealership.
On Dec. 12 at 9:50 a.m. the two perps
walked inside of the dealership, 34-54
44th St., and approached a 28-year-old
man waiting to have his vehicle serviced.
Th e pair then sprayed the victim
in the face with an unknown substance
and impersonated offi cers by shouting,
“You are under arrest” and “You are a
Police sources said the suspects
attempted to handcuff the victim and
remove him from the dealership but
were unsuccessful.
Th e duo then fl ed the location in a
grey Dodge Caravan and headed westbound
on Northern Boulevard.
Call Crime Stoppers at 800-577-TIPS
with any information about the case.