breast cancer awareness
Regrowing and caring for
hair after chemotherapy
Chemotherapy and radiation are common
treatment options for people who
have been diagnosed with cancer. While
radiation may be targeted at specifi c areas,
chemotherapy is systemic. Th is means it
aff ects the entire body. As a result, as chemotherapy
kills fast-growing cancer cells,
it also kills or slows the growth of healthy
cells, including hair cells, that divide
and grow quickly, explains the National
Cancer Institute.
When chemotherapy treatment is completed,
the body is typically capable of
regenerating new hair, but that can take
some time. Women who consider their
hair a large part of their identity may
have strong concerns and fears regarding
hair loss and what their hair may look like
when it begins to regrow. Understanding
what to expect and what they can do to
facilitate the regrowth of hair can help
women better handle what lies ahead.
New hair typically begins to grow within
one to two months of the last chemo
treatment. says people
who have undergone chemotherapy
may notice soft fuzz forming on their
head roughly two to three weeks aft er
the end of chemo. Th is will be followed
by real hair growing at its normal rate
one month aft erward. Two months aft er
the last treatment, an inch of hair can
be expected. How hair grows back elsewhere
on the body, such as the eyelashes,
eyebrows and pubic area, varies
from person to person. Experts at the
Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer
Center’s Dermatologic Care Center at
Northwestern University in Chicago recommend
speaking with a doctor if hair is
not regrowing quickly, which can be the
result of low levels of iron or zinc or even
thyroid problems.
To help the process along, some doctors
suggest the use of supplements like
biotin. Th e National Institutes of Health
says biotin is a B vitamin found in many
foods that helps turn carbohydrates,
fats, and proteins into energy. Th ere is
some evidence that taking biotin can
help thicken and speed up the growth
of hair and nails, but more research is
needed. Rogaine, the baldness treatment,
also may be advised, as it’s been shown
to speed hair regrowth in breast cancer
patients who have lost their hair, advises
Health magazine.
It is not uncommon for hair grown aft er
chemotherapy to look and feel diff erent
from hair prior to treatment. Someone
who once had straight hair may develop
a wavy mane aft erwards. While drastic
changes are not common, blonde hair
may darken.
As hair grows in, certain areas on
the head may grow faster than others.
Chemotherapy kills fast-growing cancer cells, and kills or slows the growth of healthy cells, including hair cells, that divide and grow quickly, explains
the National Cancer Institute.
Working with an experienced stylist can
help a person achieve a look that is evened
out and stylish at any length. Rosette la
Vedette, a headwear retailer and cancer
resource, suggests making a fi rst trip
back to the salon a special experience
with a glass of champagne. Cutting hair
won’t make it grow faster, but it can help
a woman return to a sense of normalcy.
It can be nerve-wracking to wait for
hair to regrow aft er chemotherapy. But
patience and understanding the road
ahead can assuage any fears breast cancer
patients may have about regrowing
their hair.