breast cancer awareness
What to expect before and
after mastectomy surgery
Mastectomy is a treatment for
women diagnosed with breast cancer
or those who are genetically predisposed
to cancer. The removal of one or
both breasts, mastectomy surgery may
involve removing just the breast tissue
or, in some cases, the lymph nodes
as well.
Data from the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality says its analysis
points to a 36 percent increase of
both single and double mastectomies
between the period of 2005 and 2013,
the most recent year for data.
Women on the precipice of mastectomy
surgery will naturally have many
questions concerning the procedure
and projected recovery. The process
of recovering is different for everyone,
and not all mastectomies are the same.
The following is a general idea of what
patients can expect before and after
mastectomy surgery:
Before surgery
A mastectomy is performed under
general anesthesia, advises the nonprofit
group Susan G. Komen. Th erefore,
patients should expect to undergo routine
physical exams and may require a surgical
pre-clearance from a doctor and the surgical
hospital or center. Blood tests and an
EKG may be ordered as well.
Prior to surgery, patients can begin
making plans for childcare, meal preparation,
shopping, work requirements,
and more. As mastectomy is an invasive
procedure, patients may experience pain
and fatigue aft er surgery. Having various
plans in play well before the surgery date
can relieve some stress and help patients
focus on their recoveries.
Purchase comfortable clothing that will
be loose around the arms and chest. Zipup
tops or those with front buttons aff ord
easy access. Some women also opt to get
fi tted for post-op garments, including a
lymphedema sleeve. Lymphedema is a
swelling of the area, and it is a common
side eff ect. It is helpful to be prepared
before such items are needed.
After surgery
Mastectomy surgeries typically last
between two and three hours. Some may
last longer if reconstruction is performed
at the same time. Patients will be admitted
to a hospital stay for a day or two and
moved to a recovery room, and will need
to be driven home upon discharge.
Expect to be bandaged and possibly
have a surgical drain at the wound site.
Th e nonprofi t resource Breastcancer.
org says the drain usually remains in
place one to two weeks aft er surgery.
Fluid will have to be emptied from the
detachable drain bulb a few times per
day. Sutures that are dissolvable will not
require removal.
Patients should follow the recovery
plans outlined by their doctors. Rest is
most important during this time, so do
not overdo exercise or other activities,
although some movements to relieve
shoulder stiff ness may be advised.
Pain, numbness, itching, and myriad
other symptoms may occur. Take pain
medications only as needed and directed.
Weakness is expected in the arms and
shoulders. Ask for help lift ing, moving, or
picking up items.
Emotional side eff ects can be just as
profound as physical ones. Fear of the
cancer, body image issues, and a sense of
loss can occur. Having a strong support
team can help, as can speaking with a professional
It can take several weeks to start feeling
like oneself again aft er mastectomy
surgery. Women should not hold themselves
up to anyone else’s standards and
be patient and hopeful because this challenging
time is temporary. Learn more at
Learn about what is involved after a mastectomy surgery and how to prepare beforehand.