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Tips for staying healthy at home
during the COVID-19 pandemic
During this time when many of us are
hunkering down at home isolated from
friends and family and dealing with major
changes in our routine, it can be easy to
forget to take care of ourselves.
Prolonged stress, anxiety and fear, especially
in a situation of this magnitude, can
cause depression, reduced physical activity
and substantially changes our eating
behaviors. Comfort foods can serve as
a form of distraction from the reality of
the moment creating a soothing coping
mechanism during uncertain times.
Processed food and junk food are high
in sugar, fat and salt. Th ey weaken our
immune system and increase the risk of
chronic illnesses such as obesity, diabetes,
hypertension, heart disease and other
conditions that render us susceptible to
infectious illnesses.
One of the best forms of protection is
prevention. Taking good care of ourselves
by building a strong immune system is a
smart starting point.
Begin with a good clean diet, stick to a
sleep schedule, keep moving and practice
relaxation techniques. A healthy balanced
diet includes a variety of foods such as
fruits and vegetables high in vitamins and
minerals. If you don’t have daily access
to fresh vegetables and fruit, or want to
boost your immunity, consider supplementing
your diet with a good multivitamin
that have vitamins A, C, D, and B
complex, magnesium, zinc and selenium.
Vitamin D, also known as the “Sunshine
vitamin,” has been recently highlighted
as important for support of the repertory
and immune system.
To aid in a good night’s sleep try taking
magnesium and melatonin half an hour
before bedtime. When it is safe to travel, have
a blood panel test with your doctor to fi nd
out what minerals and vitamins you need.
Th is will help you have a more targeted personal
approach to taking supplements!
10 tips to maintain and
balance your diet
• Health begins in the kitchen. Enhance
your immune system with fresh,
wholesome foods. Now is the perfect
time to develop your cooking skills.
Not only is home cooking a healthy
way to eat, but it can be a fun project
for the whole family.
• Eat the rainbow. Diversity is key to a
healthy balanced diet with wholesome,
nutritious food. When shopping, look
for plenty of fresh colorful seasonal
vegetables and fruit. Fresh fruit and
vegetables are also more economical
than packaged or processed foods!
• Create structure to your eating. Plan
time to eat meals and pay attention to
portion control. Snacking is inevitable
when you’re home all day, prepare
portions of cut vegetables such as celery
and carrots, and keep a supply in
your refrigerator for healthy snacking.
• Practice mindful eating. Eat your
meals while sitting down at the table,
not in front of the television or computer.
Eat slowly and take at least 20
minutes to fi nish the meal.
• Gather daily for at least one family
meal. Savor the meal as if you are eating
at a nice restaurant.
• Stay hydrated. Drinking water will
stave off hunger pangs causing you to
want to eat less.
• Leave the junk food at the supermarket.
You’ll avoid expanding your
waistline with empty calories and
expand your wallet instead.
• Avoid sugar! Sugar can depress the
immune system. Read labels for hidden
• Moderate alcohol consumption. Not
only does alcohol act as depressant,
but it is also known to suppress the
immune system.
• Keep a regular sleep routine, get plenty
of rest. Going to bed and waking
up at a regular time each day will help
your body maintain a sense of normalcy.