As our former State Senator, and
fellow Whitestone neighbor,
Tony Avella was our tireless
advocate for Cooperative and
Condominium owners like you.
Tony introduced legislation
to have the city include
co-ops and condos in the
tree and sidewalk program,
protecting co-op/condo
owners from unfair cost to
repair tree damaged sidewalks.
Tony spearheaded legislation
that passed the Senate that
would have created a new
tax class for co-ops & condos
to bring their assessments in
line with other residential
Tony voted twice against
property tax increases and is
committed to NEVER voting
for any property tax increases.
Tony & th e A ssembly
passed the J-51 t ax
abatement, a property
tax exemption for
buildings renovating
residential apartments.
He fought to protect co-op
and condo owners, to hold
city agencies accountable, and
to protect our quality of life.
Vote Democrat Tony Avella for City Council Primary Election June 22nd