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on the Democratic Party line on June 23, 2020.
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Making Sense of the Census
Count on
New York
By Julie Menin, Director of NYC Census
As if there weren’t enough reasons to be
counted already.
The 2020 Census brings funding for
countless programs to our communities for
years to come — and now, it can also bring
you a call from your favorite playwright or
Nearly half of NYC households have
responded to the census, but we need to
get those numbers even higher. That’s why
NYC Census 2020 has launched a new contest,
“Count on New York.” Until May 27th,
New Yorkers who complete the 2020 Census
will have a chance to win a video call from
composer, producer and playwright Lin-
Manuel Miranda or best-selling author and
humorist Mo Rocca, to personally thank
them for doing their part for our city.
The rules are simple: fill out the 2020
Census online, take a photo or screenshot of
the confirmation page, and send the photo
along with a sentence about what the 2020
Census means to you, your name, borough,
and neighborhood to info@census.nyc.gov.
You can read the full rules at NYC.gov/
Now more than ever, it couldn’t be
more important for NYC to reach a complete
Gregory W. Meeks
5th Congressional District of New York
@GregMeeksNYC @GregMeeksNYC @GregMeeksNYC
– Paid for and authorized by Friends for Gregory Meeks –
count. Our hospitals, health systems,
emergency services, schools, housing, senior
centers, and countless other vital programs
depend on the census to provide us
the funding we need. And as we grapple
with COVID-19, we need our full share of
funding to recover and emerge stronger
than before.
Luckily, this might be the easiest contest
you’ve ever entered. It only takes a few
minutes to self-respond online, and you can
do it from the safety and security of your
own home. And filling out the census now
means you will avoid a knock on your door
during the door-to-door enumeration period.
We’re all in this together as we fight
this pandemic, and we’re also all in this
together as we fight for our communities
through the 2020 Census. Every one of us
counts, and we all have a role to play. Lin-
Manuel Miranda and Mo Rocca are doing
their part. Now, we need you to do yours.
“Making Sense of the Census” is a weekly
column from Julie Menin, Director of NYC
Census 2020. Every week we will be publishing
pieces from Julie and guest authors laying
out the facts and answering tough questions
about this year’s census. Fill out the
census now at my2020census.gov.