86 THE sports
Scholars best Cardozo in softball slugfest
(Robert Cole)
The Scholars Academy @ Cardozo Girl’s Varsity Softball game. Cardozo HS defeated The Scholars
Academy in a thrilling 10-9 game in PSAL girls’ Varsity Softball. Cardozo took the lead for good on
a game-winning single by Maria Rosales. Trailing 9-6 in the top of seventh inning, The Scholars
Academy rallied for three runs to tie the game. Cardozo scored in the bottom of seventh for the win.
Cardozo’s Maria Rosales swings away and connects
for a hit.
The Scholars Academy’s Victoria Mullen is out
stealing after being tagged by Cardozo’s Ashley
Peralta Pillier.
Justice Quinn of The Scholars Academy makes a
diffi cult catch.
Emily Fishman of Cardozo winds up for the pitch.
Academy of American Studies prevails in gymnastics ‘Stunt’
(Robert Cole)
Stunt is a gymnastics event between two teams that compete, side-by-side in a number of prescribed routines. There
are three judges that score each team’s routine and a winner for each routine is determined. The team with the most
points at the end is determined the winner. Academy of American Studies defeated Springfi eld Gardens 16-2 in their PSAL
Varsity Co-Ed contest in the Bronx.
Tishanna Henry completes a jump split. Journi Kelly prepares to begin her routine. Aryanna Danzie is raised up by her Springfi eld teammates.