11 12
Recreate the first Passover Seder held right after World War II at the
Kupferberg Holocaust Center in Bayside. Remember the Holocaust
survivors by reenacting the Jewish ritual feast. Friday, April 19, marks
the beginning of Passover, a Jewish holiday that celebrates the liberation
of the Israelites from slavery over 3,000 years ago. Each spring,
the week long commemoration occurs around the globe. The holiday
is widely recognized in Queens. The Seder reminds participants of the
mass exodus story of the Israelites’ enslavement. Led by Rabbi Charles
Agin with cantor, at the Seder a copy of the 1946 Haggadah, and a
kosher meal will be given to each guest.
When: Sunday, April 14, from noon to 3 p.m.
Where: Kupferberg Holocaust Center, 222-05 56th Ave., Bayside
Cost: $14
Contact: 718-281-5770
Kick off spring with the Queens County Farm Museum at their annual
Apple Blossom Children’s Carnival. This event will celebrate the
beginning of their special event season which will offer a wide array
of events for the community throughout the year. The carnival will
have a Tilt-A-Whirl in their orchard, carnival rides, hayrides and midway
games. This event lasts two weekends, the first starting on April
6. Carnival rides are included in admission. And the height rules apply
at all rides in the carnival.
When: Saturday, April 13 & 14, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Where: Queens County Farm Museum
Cost: $15-$20
Contact: 718-347-3276
10 Every Saturday, a volunteer
led initiative
meets in the morning for runs
and walks through local neighborhood
parks. Although, this run
will be held in Flushing Meadows
Corona Park, this initiative occurs
in all five boroughs. This free event
will be 3.1 miles long. Participants
are encouraged to arrive 15 minutes
before the start of the run and
to leave their valuables at home.
They also welcome people of all
ages and experience levels to join.
The program is a part of New York
City Parks’ Community Initiative. The
event will occur every Saturday until
June 1.
When: Saturday, April 13, from 7 to
8 a.m.
Where: Flushing Meadows Corona
Park, United Nations Ave. South by
the parking lot on 111th Street and
55th Avenue
Cost: Free
Contact: 212-360-3300
13 The NYC Audubon invites
you to grab your binoculars,
and join them on an early
morning bird walk. Is there any
better way to start your Sunday?
Birdwatchers will walk through the
Queens Botanical Garden trails while
observing the wildlife. The trail will
have rough terrain, and may not be
suitable for those with limited mobility.
Registration is required. However,
drop-ins are welcome upon availability.
When: Sunday, April 14, from 9:30 to
10:30 a.m.
Where: Queens Botanical Gardens,
43-50 Main St., Flushing
Cost: $6
Contact: 718-886-3800
14 Learn about the Costume
Design for the “Ballad
of Buster Scruggs,” a six-part
Western anthology movie about
the American west by Ethan Coen
and Joel Coen. It is their most
recent movie released on Netflix.
The film has been praised by notable
publications such as The New York
Times and The Washington Post.
Common Sense Media described
the Coen brothers film as “character
rich, strikingly photographed,
with occasional humor (often irreverent)
and deft moments of poignancy,
the uniquely talented Coen
Brothers add another gem to their
long list of treasures.” Learn what
went on behind the costume design
in this illustrious western film at the
Museum of the Moving Image until
the end of May.
When: Sunday, April 14, 10:30 a.m.
to 6 p.m.
Where: Museum of Moving Image,
36-01 35th Ave., Astoria
Cost: $15 adults, $11 senior citizens,
$11 students with valid ID, $9 youth
Contact: 718-777-6800
15 Come to the New York
Hall of Science to experience
the Flight of the Butterflies,
a 3-D movie that takes visitors
on a treacherous yet captivating
journey. In the 3-D theater, visitors
are a part of the monarch butterfly’s
journey. Visitors watch their
migration patterns closely, witnessing
thousands fly through the peaks
of Mexico. Experience what 40 years
of research looks like to find the
monarch butterfly’s secret hideaway.
The Washington Post described the
3-D film as “engrossing.” The exhibit
will run from July 1, 2018, to June
30, 2019.
When: Tuesday, April 16, at 11 a.m
and 2 p.m.
Where: New York Hall of Science,
47-01 111th St., Corona
Cost: $6 adults, $5 children, seniors
and students (plus general admission)
Contact: 718-688-0005
16 The Bayside Senior Center
offers free weekly events
for senior citizens who want to
exercise and dance. Instructed by
Dee Rao Walker, join the Bayside
Senior for one of their weekly events,
Rhythm’s Gonna Get You. The center
offers a range of activities, which
include lunches, social services, educational
workshops, exercise classes,
discussion groups, games, art classes,
lectures, workshops, health screenings,
organized outings, special events
and parties. Transportation provided
to eligible participants. You must be at
least 60 years old to participate.
When: Wednesday, April 17, from 1:30
to 2:30 p.m.
Where: Bayside Senior Center, 221-15
Horace Harding Expy., Bayside
Cost: Free
Contact: 718-225-1144
17 Relative Fields in a
Garden, a multimedia season
installation is at The Queens
Museum. This exhibition features an
artistic mother-daughter collaboration.
Created by mother Liz Philips and
daughter Heidi Howard, this 40-foot
wall combines Howard’s vivid portrait
with Philips’ sound work, which creates
interactive sound fields. As a part
of the Museum’s large wall series, the
museum has featured yearlong commissions
by women-identified artists.
Visit the exhibition while it lasts.
When: Wednesday, April 17, from 11
a.m. to 5 p.m.
Where: Queens Museum New York
City Building, Flushing Meadows
Corona Park
Cost: $8, $4 for seniors, free for children,
students & NYC Department of
Education employees
Contact: 718-592-9700
Easter Bread, Egg Shaped Cakes,
Italian Pastries, Cookie Platters,
Decorated Cupcakes, Chocolate
Strawberry Cheesecake