kids & education
Guidelines for choosing a summer camp
Summer camp can help children develop
independence, skills, and the ability to
make friends. Choosing one that is right
for your child can help build fond memories
that will last a lifetime. To help parents
make this important decision, the
Better Business Bureau has put together
the following guidelines.
Th ere are many diff erent types of camps
available today, from traditional, to computer,
or sports camps. Th e one you
choose should match your child’s interests.
Th ere are many themed camps that
focus on a particular interest, for example,
computers, the environment, sports,
and music.
Make sure that the camp off ers a variety
of activities to keep your child entertained
and interested. Also keep in mind
what you want your child to get out of the
experience and how comfortable she is
being away from home.
Keeping your child’s interests in mind,
getting recommendations from other
parents, or your child’s teachers, is a
good place to start. Experts emphasize
the importance of researching a summer
camp. Sometimes, it is better to
choose the right camp that is further
away than the wrong camp that
is nearby.
Aft er checking out a camp’s
reputation with your local
Better Business Bureau, or by
checking online reports, the
Bureau recommends asking
the following questions
signing up
your child:
Does the camp have good references?
Ask for references and then talk to parents
of campers to get a handle on their
Are there medical facilities and personnel
available in case of an emergency?
How far is the nearest hospital?
How old is the camp? A camp that has
been around for many years has valuable
Who’s on the staff ? College grads and
former campers are a good gauge of quality.
What types of activities are available?
Look for a wide variety of
What are
the special
your child
wants to
type of equipment is available? For
example, if your child is interested in a
computer camp, the camp should have
the latest technology and soft ware available.
If the kids will be canoeing or kayaking,
the boats should be in good condition.
Are there any physical, intellectual, or
social limitations that should be considered?
What kind of emphasis will your child
profi t from the most? For
example: is a lot of structure
desirable, is social interaction
with members of the opposite
sex important, or does
your child need a place
where she is encouraged to
develop at her own pace?
Is your child ready
for a sleep-over experience?
What is the staff -to-camper ratio?
Keep this ratio in mind if your child
needs extra attention.
Most general camps will provide programs
in some team sports such as baseball
and soccer, individual sports like
tennis, and waterfront activities such as
swimming and sailing, as well as some
outdoor life options in hiking and canoeing.
Many of these camps also provide
campers with the opportunity to get extra
instruction in any of the areas that are
off ered.
In making a decision about a camp, it is
vital that you and your child look into the
total camp program and that you examine
the quality of the staff and facilities available
to support that program.